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Monday 22 October 2012

To Those of You Who Are Waiting.

Several years ago, I went to a store and hanging desperately onto what the Lord was telling me, I bought a journal.
I walked home and sat at the desk in my dorm room and pulled it out. Opening the pages I began to write. I began to actively believe that the Lord knew what He was doing and that I was choosing to trust Him, with tears of surrender I began to believe that He was able to do so much more than I could dream. Let me tell you friend, He delivered on that promise.
I started a journal full of letters to my future husband.

I chose to let go that day and push away those feelings of doubt, 
those feelings of its never going to happen to me, 
no one could ever love me enough to marry me. 
There aren't any godly guys around me here in this place, Lord.
I chose to ignore the advice of media saying go after the guy you like, go and tell him you like him and initiate. 
I knew there had to be a better way than that.

A friend had once shared with me that she had surrendered the pen of her love life to the Lord, to do with it what He saw fit. 
And I had believed that I had done the same. 
But I realised that in not trusting Him to follow through, I was not actively believing Him. I doubted that the Lord knew my heart and who I would want for a husband someday. 
So buying a journal and believing I would one day give it to the man He had for me, I knew I was trusting Him. 
I was surrendering my love life to God through this process.

That journal became so precious. Whenever I wanted to pray for my future husband or felt discontent with him not being in my life yet, I wrote. 
I filled the pages with dreams and prayers, writing on birthdays and other days I wanted to share with him. 
Sharing those intimate details that I longed to share as I watched other couples being intimate with each other. 
Sometimes I had a lot to say and other times months would go by before I would open its pages.

Over time the Lord did bring a man into my life, and those letters started having him in mind as I wrote them. While being cautious with our conversations getting ahead of where we were at in our relationship, whenever I wanted to pray or share my dreams on where our relationship was heading, I wrote in that book.

I continued to trust the Lord to write the story He had started in His way....refusing to jump ahead now that this man was in my life.

 I filled it completely just before we got married.

On our wedding night, I handed my husband the journal and told him it was his.
All those prayers and dreams were for him. 
I gave him my whole heart when I handed him that journal. 
All the details and memories about myself I couldn't put into words to share on that night. And he read through them all in the days that followed.

I won’t share the intimate details hidden within the pages of that journal, because those letters were for His eyes only. Filled with promises I felt the Lord had for me, for us as a couple and dreams of things in the future.

I share these things to encourage you single ladies!!! To share with you how the Lord wrote that beautiful story in my life and blessed me through it. 
How those of us who wait don’t just end up all alone with no one while others get married. I want to encourage you girls, because I have been where you are. 
I have known the loneliness and the feelings of discontentment. 
I share this to share how God revealed to me how I could trust Him through those times.

The Lord protected me from revealing too much of myself to guys by nudging me to write to my future husband instead, He allowed me to record those memories within its pages to share with my husband someday. 
My husband still reads those letters to this day.
And friend, I want to encourage you to do the same.

A sweet bible study leader in high school sat a group of us down one evening and shared with us how she journalled her walk with the Lord. As she spoke of being able to look back in hard times and see how the Lord answered prayers, she revealed how often we don’t notice how prayers are answered, we forget about what we prayed and how He spoke. But when we take the time to record our prayers in a journal, we can reread things we prayed for and know how the Lord heard us! It is so encouraging in those moments when we don’t even feel we have faith the size of a mustard seed. She blessed each one of us in that group that evening and gave us each a journal in which to record our prayers and journeys with the Lord. To encourage us and to give us proof of His faithfulness in those moments of trial.

Today, I want to bless you guys in the same way.
I partnered with friends over at Paper Coterie in this last week and they want to give each of you a free journal. 

I would love for each of you to receive a journal of choice from their beautiful collection and start your own journal.
Maybe it will be full of letters to your future husband as you wait for Him.
Or even a journal recording a difficult year of your life.
Maybe even just a journal to record the mundane events you feel are taking place.

But I pray that through this journaling process, you will see God clearly. 
You will see how He does answer when we think He hasn't heard us. 
That you will be able to look back in hard times and know how He carried you through that dark valley. May you cling to His promises and not forget.  

Today I am thankful//for journaling.

Much Love,

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  1. This is a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing :) I just got my free journal and I can't wait to get it! :)

    1. Oh Jennifer, thank you so much for your encouraging words!! And thanks for letting me know!! I really hope you are blessed by the journal! Can't wait to hear how the Lord speaks to you friend! =)

  2. wow, what an amazing journey and story. Thank you for sharing. I know your words will bring peace to single ladies as well as showing us all an example of trusting in the lord.
    Thank you!
    Just found your blog today via Lovely & Noble and I'm now following your blog :)

    1. Thank you for such thoughtful words Shannon!! They bring tears to my eyes, your encouragement means so much! =) Definitely all Him friend, not done in any of my own strength that's for sure =)
      Make sure you grab a journal!
      Much Love,

  3. I love your heart, girl! We are so much alike it is crazy. I actually started writing a journal for my future husband in high school, so by the time I married my hubby I had 2 journals plumb full of my heart on paper. I gave them to Ty on our wedding day.

    I wish that we could have spent more time together at influence. I still feel bummed that I had to leave early and didn't get to say goodbye!

    1. I love yours too Megan!! How amazing!! I bet Ty treasures those journals SO much!! =)
      Same here, I wish we had got a chance to sit and have coffee or something, next time?
      Did you get a journal from Paper Coterie girl? <3
      Much Love!

  4. Hey Lisa,having known you my whole life,i didnt know how much of a Godly young lady you have become. What i just read had bought me to tears and my hands are still trembling as im typing this. If only I had had the same insight whilst i was at college and maybe my life would have taken a different path. I trust that God has an amazing plan for my girls and i pray that they will know God and carry Him in thier hearts.
    I have found surrendering my whole life to him a daily battle,but one i will carry on as i seek to know him more and seek out his plan for me.
    With hos strnght I can do anything!
    My the Lord continue to bless you x

  5. I loved this, L! Beautifully written. Thanks for the reminder of God's sweetness and His perfect timing! :)

    Much love!

  6. This is so inspiring!! What a beautiful gift for your husband that you will both treasure for eternity!!

  7. This is a beautiful story L!! You are such an encouragement to so many! Hugs!

  8. Love this so much. How sweet and precious...what a gift. Thank you for sharing your story. :)

  9. This is such an inspiring journal entry for all the single women & men out there who wonder about God's timing for that perfect spouse for them. To put your heart out there in such a vulnerable way is such a testimony to waiting for God's best in your life. I especially enjoyed this because I've known you since you were in elementary school. Thank you for shining a light on how important it is to wait. What a priceless gift to present your journal to your husband on your wedding day. I hope this becomes a trend for more young people. I love journaling. I hope my kids enjoy reading about my everyday life some day.

  10. This is such a beautiful story! I really love how you write.

  11. I will have to tell a friend about this post, as she is in this same place you were in. Wanted to stop by and say hi from the blog hop party! I will have to see about the free journal offer. :)

  12. Journaling is such a great way to keep of record of what God has brought us through! I love your story of your journaled letters for A. :)

  13. So beautifully written. I did the same thing as you- I wrote letters to my future husband and have also shared them since marrying my love. It is such a special thing to do because it is a confirmation of God's promises in our lives.

    Thanks for sharing.

  14. This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I love this post! Thank you for sharing and thank you for linking up! I wrote letters to my future husband and gave them to him on our wedding night, but I sure wish I had kept a journal as well! What an awesome gift you gave him! Much love to you, friend!

  15. I love the picture of a heart waiting for one young man only. It is a struggle for me to have that attitude, as I so desire to marry. It seems that the journal would help young women to focus on saving their hearts for THAT one man. And I LOVE the picture of giving it to him on your wedding night. Beautiful. Thank you for your story, Lisa! Hugs to you, friend.

  16. I'm not a journaler or letter writer. Maybe that's... well, maybe it's a long story. :) I think I'm willing to give it a go though. I love the idea and it seems so sweet, but part of me is discouraged and wonders if I'll ever get there. Anyway, we're giving it a shot - God and me. And we'll just walk this road and see where the journey ends... however it goes, He always makes it beautiful.

  17. I wrote a journal when I was a little girl, up until I married my husband. Since then, I didn't prioritize it anymore, since I had been busy with living my marriage and I needed alone time to write a journal. That's why I love blogging. By blogging once a week, I could channel my feelings and thoughts and record my thanksgivings and prayers and favorite Bible verses.

    Visit me:
    LeeAnne, Style N Season

  18. That is such an awesome idea. I didn't marry until 35. I'm the oldest of 6 kids and 32 grandkids and many of them married before me. I got so so so much pressure from family along the lines of "Why aren't you married yet?". And so many suggestions of how I could find someone (because apparently I was too inept that I needed "help"). It was hurtful and insulting.

    When I calmly told people that I had turned that part of my life over to God it was amazing how many odd looks I'd get. People took it as me copping out instead of DOING something to make it happen. But, to me, letting - God lead me to him - and waiting to meet him on God's timeline, not my own was DOING something.

    I wish married people out there would understand that plenty of us are content letting God do the matchmaking. I love your tangible, reflective, trusting way of working with God to find your mate. Your forsight is inspiring!

  19. I just had a headsmack moment. I'm pregnant - and only 9 weeks. Keeping a waiting journal for an anticipated child would be just as awesome. Thank you so much for the inspiration!

  20. I'm a good friend of Erin (Sweetness Itself) and I found your blog through her. Thank you very much for the inspired words. I needed them today, as I have and do feel this particular feeling very often. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  21. Awesome share! thanks for thinking of all of us! I love this idea so much I am giving each of my kids a journal on their 16th B-day before they start dating! Praise God! Glad I found you at Faith- Filled Friday! Love and blessings...Nicole at Seven Flowers!

  22. What a lovely post! Thank you so much for sharing this with the Thrive @ Home community! I will have to check out those journals. :)

  23. Newest follower here! I found you through the Weekend link up! Cute blog, I can’t wait to read more!

  24. Oh my goodness I'm so so thankful I read this. It came at the exact moment I needed it most. I already keep a journal with letters to my future husband, but I've been struggling with discontentment recently. I'm in college and so many girls around me are in relationships. I've been doubting that He will actually bring a godly man into my life that would want to marry me one day. I realize now that I truly haven't been trusting Him when I allow those doubts to gain a stronghold. I'm changing that now! I cannot say thank you enough for your encouragement today.

  25. What a great idea! I will have to pass it on to my 5 daughters.
    Keep up the God work.

  26. Just finished dinner and taking a minute to visit blogs from today’s blog link-up’s. Your blog post is very encouraging.
    May God continue to bless you, Richetta (

  27. As a 40 something single gal who never imagined she would still be unmarried at this stage of her life, I needed to hear your story. I have a blank journal in my desk drawer so I'm contemplating taking your challenge and begin writing my future husband letters.

    I cannot tell you how much this post has inspired and encouraged me. Thank you!

  28. What a wonderful idea, especially for those who are single and wondering if God has forgotten them in their loneliness. Thanks for sharing. (Visiting from OYHT blog hop.)

  29. What a wonderful testimony of God's faithfulness. You obeyed and he honored your obedience. Your husband got an extra special blessing.
    I love this and plan to share it with some single friends.
    Thanks for your honesty.

  30. What an amazing story. I am sure your husband treasures that journal so much, it really is a testimony of your faith in God and your love for your husband!

  31. What an incredibly beautiful story/ life you've written for yourself. What a sweet story of trust.

    Just stopping by from The Wiegand's, sweet Casey's blog, to personally invite you to join me for An Aloha Affair; a sort of end of week gathering and mingling and growing together. I'd love to have ya, stop by anytime...

