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Tuesday 2 October 2012

Thankfulness//Day Two.

Well, it's Day Two of focusing on Thankfulness and I woke up to a rainy cold Fall day.
I can honestly tell you that I woke up feeling thankful, regardless of the weather.
I was thankful for the beautiful Fall colors I saw on my car ride this morning.

Thankful//for rain to water these beautiful trees which are looking more beautiful everyday.

Thankful//for dirt roads in the rural area I found myself in and mud which made its way onto my clothes and the car.

Thankful//for small kids that yell 'Pum-mmm' everytime they see Pumpkins.

Thankful//for kids that organise outdoor weddings for Barbie to a big orange bug. 

Thankfulness really is contagious. 

Ann Voskamp put on her Facebook this morning the following quote:

'{Crazy, but studies conclude that keeping a gratitude gift list is *guaranteed* to increase your happiness by 25%!}'

I would highly recommend reading her book and starting your own change when it comes to cultivating an attitude of Thankfulness.
It certainly is a wonderful way of overcoming a 'funk' at least so far. 

Much Love,


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  1. I really do love this idea! Not only to get out of a funk, but also to truly appreciate all the things that God has blessed us with. Even the littler thing, like a barbie wedding (which I think might be the best thing I've heard of in awhile)

  2. i'm glad this series is lifting you out of your funk! can't wait for tomorrow - i mean, TODAY!
