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Friday 26 October 2012

Meeting Emily Freeman in an Overwhelmed Ocean.

Having arrived at the Influence conference feeling overwhelmed. I decided that even though I planned on attending most of the business sessions, I found myself drawn to the life sessions the first morning. I was desperate for some encouragement, something that would point me to the Lord and the whole purpose for being here.
I also wanted to hear from the author that wrote one of the books which probably impacted me the most in the past year.
Emily Freeman.

And given where I was with feeling overwhelmed....God met me in that Sheraton Conference room.

Initially I was skeptical at the topic Emily planned on talking on as I don't really consider myself an artist. But relevant it was. I'm sure not I can even begin to find all the amazing tweets which blew up my twitter newsfeed during this session.

"I'm not cut out for this"'re right. you have been placed into this. Don't look to be confident in yourself." 

"Art can be work done in the present moment with willing hands. A whole heart, and a steadfast belief."

"Show up and be who you already are."

"What could be more dangerous to the enemy of our hearts than women with hearts that are fully awake?"

"Our critics force us to draw a circle around what we really believe." 

"Being small and ordinary is not a flaw, it's actually a prerequisite."

"A God who turns ashes to beauty can turn lists to lyrics, programs to poetry, and management to music."

"It might not be the first time it's been said - but you saying it might be the first time someone listens!"

"...Maybe our tears are tiny messengers of the most vulnerable kind." 

"I started small & I'm still small."

"You guys have been great! Thank you for not throwing rocks!" 

Listening to Emily was like a breath of fresh air in an ocean of sinking. Her talk on being in tune with what God wants and how its ok to feel out of comfort zone or useless was so helpful I can't even describe.
She spoke truths on a whole bunch of lies I had believed that have stopped me from moving forward with several visions I feel the Lord has given me for Influence in this little space.

As she spoke through each lie, it was as though the Lord was saying, this is a Lie child!
Don't believe these things. 

I could have never imagined a year ago that I would be a blogger. I don't even really know that I knew that blogging was such a big thing. I had a blog from the age of sixteen, which I kept private and shared with friends where life was taking me.
But the move to make it public and share my faith publicly with almost 300 followers, that was God! That was not my vision. I reluctantly obeyed about ten months ago.
There are days when I still want to delete the whole thing or move it back to being private because writing here means I am vulnerable.

But sitting in that conference room several weeks ago, I got a beautiful reminder from the Lord.
This is His, not mine. He reminded me that it is His to give and take away. That I shouldn't believe lies, but rejoice in truth. That I should keep writing to make much of Him, even if that is by sharing ways He is at work in my life. That by sharing my story, I may just touch lives for Him.

That I can get behind!!! 

My goal is to share my testimony through my everyday life and let others see Him in it. Emily reminded all of us, that our sphere of Influence looks different for each of us. But we should be more concerned with showing up and being who we are. We are daughters of the King and trying to make much of Him! So do it!

I have been much slower at picking up on how many times this message was spoken to me over the course of the weekend. I am also still trying to figure out which ideas as I'm usually a person who has many. But as I have been working through all the information, praying and brainstorming.....several ideas have started to seem possible.

I'm excited to see where the Lord takes us on this adventure!

Meeting this wise woman in a conference room in Indiana was incredible, mainly because through her the Lord spoke to me. So thankful for her wise words, beautiful heart,
honesty and hilarious sense of humor. I laughed so much throughout the course of the weekend because of things she said.

Photo credit: Sarah Koci Scheilz

Now how many of you ladies have read grace for the good girl? Because you really really should.

Much Love,

"God doesn't call the qualified, but if He calls you He will qualify you."
~ Mark Batterson ~


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  1. Your honesty is a blessing, an encouragement, and a challenge to me. Thank you friend. =) I heard many of these quotes on twitter and such, but hearing you process them, challenged me to think of more than just my "crafting" as art.
    Alesha <3

  2. I have LOVED reading posts about Emily's session! I can't wait to sit down and listen to it for myself :)

  3. Thanks so much for sharing what Emily talked about! It sounds like it was an amazing session! I love Emily's blog, and I've had Grace for the Good Girl downloaded on my Kindle for a while now, but haven't started it. I just found out my office is closed tomorrow thanks to Hurricane Sandy, so I'm going to spend the day reading it!
