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Tuesday 23 October 2012

God Interrupts in Rush Hour.

Lyrics: Hillsong United, Lead Me to the Cross

As the car sits on quiet tarmac on a busy highway, the sights of downtown Chicago fill the windows. While we watch the fog block the skyscrapers from sidewalk view and press on through the traffic hoping to press forward into the city one's patience is tested.
I have never been one to enjoy sitting in a traffic jam.
The car inches forward surrounded by other frustrated drivers and I find my renewed sense of thankfulness being tested.
Really....why is there a need for traffic jams? What purpose do they serve except to make everyone frustrated, angry with each other and late for wherever they are trying to get to.

Then when you are stuck in one. You finally have space to think. Space to breathe a while.
As though God is saying....take some time with me child and just be.
Just be in this traffic jam. Stop thinking of all the things you need to do when you get where you are going. Stop looking at the clock, you can't change the traffic and looking won't help you get there any faster.
Just be here. Take a moment and pray. 

Traffic jams actually force us in the busyness of life to slow down. We don't have a choice. We have to sit. And the majority of the time, I really don't like it.
But when I choose to spend that time worshiping in the car with a CD or enjoying the Lord's presence, they become something else entirely.

I am beginning to agree with Ann Voskamp when reading through Chapter three of One Thousand Gifts, there is a change that comes from counting everyday gifts.
(See Chapter One and Chapter Two thoughts)
 All of a sudden things that were mundane become gifts from the Lord. 
It's as though we begin to see clearly.
Its a real change, we are intentional in our search for joy when we choose to see things as gifts. Through eucharisteo we overcome our habitual ingratitude, like the traffic jam attitude, and we see things we already have instead of what we want.

'I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.'
{Philippians 4:11-12}

But as Paul says, contentment is something he learned. It didn't come naturally. We have to be intentional at seeking to learn this attitude. 
To battle the discontentment and fight to see the joy and contentment in life.

As Ann says, there is something to be said about the act of naming a specific thing we are thankful for. For in naming it, its almost as though we fully receive it as a gift. It works its way into our heart slowly through each gift, creating a habit, instead of just being thankful for everything in general which is easy to forget.  
This habit of thankfulness, it really does require persistence and practice even when it seems silly, like being thankful for a traffic jam. When it doesn't even seem to make sense.
This gift of thankfulness, its a battle.

But its a battle worth fighting.

Lyrics: Hillsong United, Lead Me to the Cross

Thankful//for traffic jams.
Thankful//for foggy days.
Thankful//for being stuck in the car with friends on the Chicago highways.
Thankful//for pictures because the car wasn't go as fast as usual.
Thankful//for worship songs.

What are your thoughts?
What do you usually do during a traffic jam?

Much Love,

P.S. The song to the Lyrics is below......


Summary of this series available:

Journal available see To Those Who Are Waiting:

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  1. Okay...I really need to read this book. =) I've heard so much about it! I love when God interrupts normal or even bad circumstances and just blesses us with His presence.
    Alesha <3

  2. I really need to read this book too! I love everything about this post!! The pictures, the lyrics, that song, the circumstance turned into blessing. Thanks for sharing! I pinned this!


  3. I agree! I was dwelling over similar thoughts this morning on how we need to just rest in His presence and not be continually caught up in the rush of life, and to see the things that might seem to hinder us or frustrate us as opportunities to once again fix our eyes on our Father who has all things in His hands. Thank you so much for this post!

    Beth :)
