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Saturday 6 October 2012

Celebrating New Family.

{Please note that photos are property of Mike D}

Well these are the last of the wedding pictures to share with you guys from the reception. 
The effort put into decorating the hall made it look beautiful.
Such amazing planning and work at putting it all together by my sister and mom. 

We had a blast at the reception.
Dinner was amazing, as you can tell since the photographer even took pictures.

And the speeches were super sweet.
My daddy gave such a cute one including a story from when Z was learning how to ride a bike.
How determined she was to learn in one afternoon, when she was only 3-4 yrs old.
Such a sweet moment I will always remember anyway.

There are so many guests who were based in England who were thankful for these centerpieces I'm sure.
Many goldfish have been named after the bride and groom.
Is this not the coolest idea for a centerpiece???

Then following dinner, there was the first dance.
Which was super sweet.
Then, we all partied together like family.

So today I am,

Thankful//for the blessing of photography so we can relive the moments.

Thankful//for the invention of Skype so we can all talk to our families across the globe.

Thankful//for sweet parents that love their daughters so deeply (and sons now too).

And that is all the wedding photos to share with you guys.
Such a sweet wedding.
Hope you enjoyed seeing why we were so busy.

Much Love,


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  1. what special memories and beautiful photos! :)

    thanks for sharing <3

  2. such a beautiful wedding! Those centerpieces, so cool & fun!

  3. Oh my! This looks wonderful. I absolutely LOVE weddings ! Love the kiss during the first dance. I love watching people in love
    I am hosting a blog hop over at my blog today
