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Friday 19 October 2012

A day of Reflection.

At the beginning of this series, I mentioned how Fall was hard for me.
How I felt in a funk about saying goodbye to Summer.
Honestly, being thankful and seeing the Lord's goodness has been helping me tremendously overcome my little pity party.
Because that's what it was.
Ugly self-pity. 

There are a lot of things I really loved about the Influence Conference, and many things which did not go as expected.
And that's ok.

God met me there in my shattered hopes, overwhelmed feelings (ever been in a place with 200 people you've never met before) and blessed me beyond what I could have imagined in meeting some incredible women who want to make more of Jesus online.
I went back and forth several times on whether or not to attend.
And to be honest I will probably do the same if Lord willing I consider attending next year.

Today was a beautiful day of sitting and processing.

I will probably need so many more of those in order to even scratch the surface of everything I felt the Lord was trying to teach me through the conference.
How many ways He has been trying to tell me things.

There are several big projects which I have been dreaming of for a while which thanks to several encouraging bloggers, I am now thinking of pursuing.
I am so excited to share those with you beautiful sisters and have you be a part of those.

So today I am:

Thankful//for space to hear from the Lord.

Thankful//for dreams which others do not consider silly.

Thankful//for people who encourage me to pursue dreams.

Thankful//for the peace that comes from listening to the Lord.

I am excited to see what this series becomes a springboard for in the future.
I have considered how this has given me a different purpose for blogging and how I may just continue with this theme of thankfulness for longer.
I would love to hear your thoughts on that.
Would you like a link-up on the last day of October to share this walk through Thankfulness? Or what this topic means to you?

One of my goals after the conference is to continue working on building community on this space here. So I will make more of an effort to reply to your comments once again.
Should I not be able to do so, I may turn them off for a season.
Please be gracious to me as I can't always reply.
(As I have added to my comment box, you can find me on twitter @GloriousWithin
and email me:
For those I make a priority to reply.

Much Love,


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  1. Praise the Lord for all He is teaching you! As hard as it can be, it is always so encouraging to be growing in the Lord. Love you sister and am praying that Jesus continues to pour out His grace on you. <3
    Alesha <3

  2. I love how the Lord just places people in our lives to encourage us at just the right time. Grateful he has placed those people in your life and am encouraged that he is tugging on your heart.

  3. Hey Lady. Can't wait to hear more about your projects & dreams that you are pursuing :)
