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Thursday 25 October 2012

An honest Start.

Ever had one of those moments where you look back at pictures taken a week before and you feel like they were taken a lifetime ago. You feel like you've aged at least a decade since they were taken. That's how I feel looking back at these Influence photos.
My life was so impacted by this trip to the conference, that is why I have taken time out to digest things before diving headfirst into posting about the events.

I came back with a greater understanding of God's love, with thankfulness for sweet friendships, encouragement to pursue God-given dreams, a healthier understanding of things and hopefully a greater knowledge of grace and how much I need it. I'm not even sure I can scratch the surface in this post at sharing how much I learned. I'm still absorbing even now.

But I will share just how scared I felt in these pictures. It was surreal sitting across from two girls I had met online while waiting for a fourth to land at the airport a few short miles away. The idea that we were travelling to a city I had never been to meet 200 women I had never met before, minus one of the girls I had traveled with.

Seeing this precious friend again did help with those crazy overwhelming feelings. Several of the ladies we met at the conference asked us to share how we became friends, we may just have to do that in another post. Let me tell you friends, she is like a sister to me whom I miss dearly when she is on the other side of the country. 
I don't know if I would have made it through such an emotional, overwhelming weekend if it weren't for her. 

But make it through we did indeed. Along with so many happy memories of spending time with such encouraging, wonderful women.
It really was an experience I won't forget. If you are thinking about attending next year, I would highly recommend the Influence Conference.
But would agree with the wise words written on the Influence blog the day we arrived.
Be prepared that you will probably feel overwhelmed.

Perhaps I will be able to avoid that should I go next year and make some changes to the trip so that there is space when needed and room to go and spend time with the Lord should that need arise. Which it did several times.

I'm excited to share more about this trip with you guys now that I feel almost in a place to do so.
I'm hoping that because it has been over a week that I don't forget many of the details.

I feel the need to share it slowly to do it justice.....
so here is us on a journey.
Ready to be Influenced.

Thankful//for the ways the Lord works. Through expected & unexpected.

Much Love,


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  1. Found your blog via Casey's link up.
    You girls are so adorable! Looks like such an amazing time...I've loved reading about everyone's experience.

    1. Thanks so much Kristin!! Hilariously I just had your blog open on my other page from the same linkup haha!! Loving your precious heart girl! Much Love!
