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Monday 8 October 2012

Back to Eden: 1000 Gifts.

I feel it appropriate to start back at the beginning on this topic.
To really share how this topic was laid on my heart so heavily.
Actually, it began with reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp many moons ago now.
I realise many of you may have read her book and may even be starting to be frustrated by how much people are talking about it or continuing to talk about it.
I know I personally have mentioned it so many times on this blog here.
Honestly though, her book really opened my eyes in so many ways to something so simple, which changes one's entire heart attitude to life.
What a revelation to discover.

By being thankful for things, we can battle so many 'funks' we may find ourselves in. 
That was my main reason for feeling compelled to start the series in the first place.
These moods are often a result of life situations. Things we may have no control over.
But the Lord in all His goodness, is allowing them for a reason.
To grow us? To build trust in us? To allow us to change our attitude?
While we may have no control over the things in our lives which happen to us, we do have control over how we react to these challenges.

Ann in her book talks about how perfect things were back in the garden of Eden. 
How Adam and Eve were in perfect relationship with God, they were not lacking in anything. 
They saw God perfectly, in all His goodness, the way He truly is.
Notice how Sin's original root is in Satan tempting them to focus on what they don't have.
He shows them discontentment.

As Ann writes:

'we were lured by the deception that there was more to a full life,
there was more to see.'

Now, seeing God as someone we can trust is so much harder than it must have been in that garden, it becomes a choice now instead of a given. It becomes a battle to see things the way they really are, the way we were designed to see them. 

How old this idea of discontentment is right??
I look forward to exploring this topic more.

Much Love,


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  1. I have heard a lot about that book and still haven't gotten around to reading it but I love what you wrote. It is way to easy for me to become discontent with where I'm at or the things I have and yet I know God has blessed me in more ways than one. I need to step back more often and truly be thankful for those blessings and all the God has provided for me. I really am loving this 31 days of thankfulness idea. It is convicting and encouraging!

  2. Discontent is definitely the root of most of the sins I struggle with... cultivating a grateful heart has been key in turning these things over to Christ!

  3. Woot! I found you:))
    Subscribed via email, found you on pinterest and followed you on twitter! I'll look forward to getting better acquainted.
    Have a happy Monday!

  4. I'm currently reading this book and doing a book club with it. It has been a great challenge to stop being ungrateful and instead be thankful for all the blessings I do have.

  5. Love the book too! Ann posted a comment on my blog one day so I went to see who she was. What a blessing I found! Great words!

  6. Such an simple concept and yet one that requires effort and concentration. However, getting to gratitude is so much better than sitting in a mud puddle of our own making and feeling discontented and sorry for ourselves. :-)
