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Wednesday 8 February 2012

The Joy Dare: One Thousand Gifts. Ann Voskamp.

If you know me even a little bit, you will know that 
I Love books.

One of the most powerful books I have read recently is
 'One Thousand Gifts' by Ann Voskamp.

I'm sure I have mentioned it before but I keep sharing, because this book keeps impacting me and the way I see life.
My eyes have been opened to the way the world is a series of gifts from the Lord.
A way to see life in its entirety.
A secret to praying without ceasing.

You may have noticed my new banner at the bottom, the Joy Dare.
I have decided to take part in the February Joy Dare....
I am hoping to continue this habit and count 1000 gifts this year in 2012.
Along with thousands of others.

I would encourage you to check it out and join us!
 Here's to enjoying every moment.

Much Love,

P.S. I am totally considered doing a linkup for one of my series on here. What do you guys think? Which would you enjoy? The {On My heart} series? Or 'Two Hearts In Love'?

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  1. I just started reading this book, I had been wanting it for awhile but didnt have the extra money for it and one day I actually found it at a thrift store for $1.40! Good deal! It's a great book and I'm doing the Joy dare on the app on my phone. :)

    1. That's awesome Joanna =) I dont have my own copy of it yet as it is a little pricey, I'm hoping I can find it in a thrift store for that price =) I'm blessed to have a copy in the local library for now =)
      I wish I had an iphone just for that application haha! I am just writing them down instead =)
      Thanks for sharing! =)

  2. What a great idea from what it sounds like...I may need to pick up this book soon!

  3. I just finished this book a few weeks ago and it has literally changed my life. I love books like that! I have insisted that my husband read it too and, being the sweet man that he is, he is already a few chapters in :)

    1. Yay Lauren =) I totally agree this book was AH-mazing! =) How sweet, well I hope your husband likes it =)

  4. Love her blog, her book, and this video! :)

  5. One Thousand Gifts is more than a book on gratitude. Within the lyrical prose and authentic imagery is a chronicle of grace and pain, joy and loss, a message torn from the pages of a real life, a life that battled anger and bitterness and despair and discovered transformation in the Eucharisteo life. It is a story that can inspire many more lives.
