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Wednesday 1 February 2012


{Via google}

We rented the movie 'Courageous' from redbox this weekend.
I was blown away by its powerful message.
If you have put off seeing it thinking it was another low-budget, christian movie then I would strongly suggest you reconsider.
It was made by the same people who made 'Fireproof' but this movie had a stronger storyline and the acting was a whole lot better!
It's such a sweet story about men rising up and being real leaders in their homes.
Something else so close to my heart.

 The relationship between a father & daughter is so precious.
It resembles to me such a wonderful picture of how the heavenly father is with us also.
He loves us sacrifically.
Just like the men learn to in this movie.

{Via google} 
I won't give much of the story away as I really hope you guys go and see it.
But I will just say the relationship between the father & daughter above was the one I loved the most.
This man's promise to his daughter to help her choose a suitable man when the time was right had me in tears.
Ok, a lot of the movie had me in tears.
But helping her make a stand for purity was so precious!

I also appreciated the example the wives of these men made in the movie.
There was not much screen time showing a lot of their relationships. But the realness of their struggles with unemployment, difficult child/parent relationships was so real.
Their attitudes were an encouragement of how to inspire men to step up.
 Lord, raise up a generation of men like these.
Much Love,

'I believe that God desires every father to courageously step up 
and do whatever it takes to be involved in the lives of his children. 
More than just being there or providing for them 
he's to walk with them through their lives 
and be a visual representation of the character of God, their Father in Heaven. 
A father should love his children and seek to win their hearts.  
He should protect them, discipline them, and teach them about God. 
He should model how to walk with integrity 
and treat others with respect 
and should call out his children to become responsible men and women 
who live their lives for what matters in eternity. 
Some men will hear this and mock it or ignore it. 
But I tell you as a father, 
you are accountable to God 
for the position of influence he has given you.'

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  1. This movie is amazing. It made me SO thankful for the men of God that my dad and my father-in-law are. My family has a history of strong Christian men and I know in today's world and society that's a rare thing. I LOVED the movie and highly recommend it! Glad you enjoyed it. :)

  2. Seems like an amazing movie, I hadn't heard of it. But, I'll have to watch it! :)

  3. Jaimie - It was awesome, I totally agree =) What a blessing to have such awesome men in your life =)
    Lovelyladyjb - You totally have to watch it! =)
