I don't know about you guys, but I really feel like I should be having more girly evenings. Just this desire to sit down with girly magazines, do eat others hair, watch a girly movie or even just hang out and talk. Perhaps its because I've done a bunch of hanging with the hubby and some of his friends lately. Or maybe just that I'm more of a girly girl than I thought I was haha. Or just that I'm in desperate need of a manicure ;)
I'm not sure if this should become a weekly thing too. A girly night here in this little space. Wouldn't it be awesome if the comments section became like a chatting place. Sorry dreaming moment there.
As you can probably tell I get these random dreaming moments or moments of inspiration as I like to call them.
Anyway, just wondering if you guys had any suggestions on topics for girly evenings? Things you want to talk about together? And I say that cause I would love to talk with you guys and not at you guys too :)
I felt the desire to share our love story for the first time this evening. And if you were here, I would probably pull out the scrapbooks ;)
Not sure how far I'll get but I will go ahead and start. I've been meaning to share for a while how God scripted our story and just haven't got to it.
So if you're at a point in life where this won't be encouraging, feel free to stop reading here.
I don't want to discourage anyone, I just want to share how the Lord brought us together to praise His goodness in that and to encourage those of you who are waiting, that God does hear us when we pray and write beautiful love stories.
(I will add that obviously this is all from my point of view,
for A's version....well I guess you'd have to ask him.....)
So here's possibly why I put this off haha! Because in my opinion, the story starts here.
In the awkward pre-teen new girl stage. I had just moved from another country where I had been really comfortable. I had been in a school I loved and had a group of friends who I was close to, then we moved. And not like one of your few hours away kind of moves, but more like a different part of the world, new continent type of move. So there was no possible chance I was going to see these friends on a regular basis, if ever again. Time took my group of friends to literally the four corners of the globe, so you get the idea haha.
So I had just moved to this new place and the new church we started going to had an Awana club, including a Jr high group. So my sister and I started going and there we met some pretty cool people. Many of whom we would grow up with of the next few years.
One of which was this guy:
(Totally asked his permission before posting btw)
And yeah, well I will confess that even at thirteen. I liked him. He seemed like a nice guy, not that we were going to date or anything like that. But lets just say I totally had a crush on him back then.
So if you skip several awkward years of being friends, me having a bit of a crush on him. But never knowing each other that well as he was homeschooled and I went to school, we only saw each other at Awana. Then we also went to youth group together, having several of the same friends. It wasn't as though there were many kids our age.
So my last year of high school and the year after (I took a gap year after high school), we hung out with our friends and started to get to know each other well.
Mutually liking what we saw in the other person.
I had begun praying about what I wanted in a husband someday when I was sixteen. I also began reading several books like I kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris, When God Writes Your Love Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy, but didn't really have any idea at this point what to do with dating. A's parents had thought a lot about those things beforehand and really advocated no dating in high school. And looking back I am so glad they shared their wisdom with us.
(I would highly recommend those books, even if you don't agree with everything...they are worth reading and make you think! I would also advocate while in high school figuring out what your thoughts on about dating before you meet a guy you like!)
I knew A when I wrote what I was looking for in a husband, but we weren't super close. In fact I had several other crushes in between meeting him and really liking him by the end of high school :)
So by the end of high school I pulled that list back out and his character was a lot like what I had been praying for, not 100% perfect though.
After all we were still incredibly young and both planned on going to college.....in different countries.
But by this point, we liked what we saw in each other and weren't sure what to do about it.
It was suggested to us, that because we were getting so close with no intention of being able to be engaged or marry anytime soon, that we stop talking on leaving for college in different countries. Instead just trusting that if the Lord wanted the two of us together, He would make that clear. So that we wouldn't continue to make something work that was never intended for where we were at in life.
And I am SO glad we did.
So summer before college, I said goodbye to my best friend, maybe for good.
Praying and trusting that God knew what He was doing, even if we didn't have a clue.
A few hours after the picture was taken, he got on a plane heading to the states to go to college.
I stayed home for the summer with multiple adventures (stories for another time) then headed to England in the fall for college.
But I might stop there for this evening friends!