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Sunday 24 June 2012

Purity & Waiting.

It feels strange to write about a topic which has been so dear to my heart for such a long time and know that it may not be heard well. In my single days, or even my dating was easier to encourage people in this situation. But I have found as the Lord has brought a beautiful relationship into my life which turned into a marriage, that my words on the topic of singleness and dating are not heard as well.

I have often heard it is hard to be encouraged, while in your single years, by someone who has what you want...a relationship.
I even felt this way myself while waiting for the Lord to bring a man into my life.
I'm beginning to think that my unwillingness to listen to encouragement from those who had already walked down the relationship path, I may have missed out on hearing how God provided and answered the similar prayers of another sister.

That should not be discouraging. It should instead be a beautiful picture of how God answers those prayers we are praying. As I've grown older I've learnt to value having someone further ahead of you on the path in life to encourage you and seen how it's also biblical.

'Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.'
{Hebrews 11:24-25}

There is something encouraging about hearing God answer a prayer that you yourself are praying. To see victory over a challenging trial as it gives us great hope. (or at least it should, instead of just bring up envy)

I know from experience that it can be discouraging waiting to meet that someone in your life, being desperate to love them already and not understanding why he isn't here yet. I long to encourage you girls in this situation. To show you that God really does answer those prayers for a godly husband. That He hears you, loves you and definitely hasn't forgotten you. 

Did you know that you can be loving your future husband now, even before you meet him.
In fact that's what the picture of the Proverbs 31 woman shows us.....

'Who can find a virtuous and capable wife?
    She is more precious than rubies.
Her husband can trust her,
    and she will greatly enrich his life.
She brings him good, not harm,
    all the days of her life.'
{Proverbs 31:10-12}

Let me introduce you to a guy who has spent his single years living for himself. He has embraced the messages of the modern culture today and decided to 'seize the day' or 'live for the here and now.' He goes out with a different girl several times a week, just having fun. He may not sleep with any of them, he is trying to follow the Lord after all. But he figures in order to find the right girl, he needs to date around right? He doesn't spend much time investing in his family, in fact he spent most of his teenage years at home wishing he could be out with his friends during family dinners. His room is a mess and he is disrespectful of his parents. He lived for trips out to the movies with his friends and spending time with maybe even a girlfriend. When he hangs out with his friends, he shows-off wanting to be seen as cool by everyone. He loves being the center of attention, burps loudly and laughs at crude jokes being told around him. He's quite even possibly all-around a nice guy on the service, he says all the right things and knows how to be a romantic guy.

Now picture a different guy. He has also decided to make the most of every opportunity, but in order to love his future wife. Instead of not giving her much thought while growing up, he wrote her several letters and regularly prayed for her. He purposefully has chosen not to date until the Lord shows him a girl he should pursue. He works on the relationships which are already in his life. He shows his parents respect, encourages his younger brothers and sisters and genuinely loves his family. He speaks words of encouragement to his friends, seeking ways to build them up in their love for the Lord. He may be hopeless at keeping his room neat at home, but he tries out of respect for those who come into his living area. 

Which one would you feel most treasured/loved by if you were the girl brought into their life? 

Now imagine that these are not in fact guys, but girls. Just like you and me.
How wonderful would it be to aim to love our future husbands in that way?
I would love to say that I spent most of my single years pursuing the model of the second guy. In some ways I did, of course I couldn't achieve perfection in this area of life.
And that's ok. There is grace. 

(We are not saved through the things we do. The bible makes it perfectly clear we are saved by Christ dying on the cross in our place alone. Works do not play a part in our salvation. Purity does not equal salvation. Just to clarify.)

When we love Jesus and chose to follow him. We are called to live our lives for him, a life marked by love.

'A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.'
{John 13:34-35}

We are called to love our future husband all our days in Proverbs. I'm pretty sure the author was being literal. Before we are married we can show we love them by how we chose to live (and love God through these decisions to love others and put them before ourselves). 

We can find a great definition for love in 1 Corinthians.

 'Love is patient, 
love is kind. 
It does not envy, 
it does not boast, 
it is not proud. 
It does not dishonor others, 
it is not self-seeking, 
it is not easily angered, 
it keeps no record of wrongs. 
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 
It always protects, 
always trusts, 
always hopes, 
always perseveres.

Love never fails.' 
{1 Corinthians 13:4-8}

This is quite the challenging list and should be where we go for a measuring stick on how to love others in the relationships in our lives. Boy, isn't this challenging and hard?!
Choosing to prepare yourself for your future husband, while you are still single, is an amazing way to love them before you've even met them.
The purpose of saving ourselves for marriage should be out of love for our future spouses, not to earn favor with God. 

When you meet someone who has chosen to wait for you, they have saved themselves physically, emotionally, spiritually just for you. You really feel loved.
I know this from personal experience. 

But choosing to wait is not something we should do to get it given back in return. It is done out of love for the other person. It is choosing to put them first in our lives, regardless of what they choose to do for us. A great preparation for marriage. 

No matter where your life is at, or what your past looks like, you can choose to live out of love for your future husband from this day forward. 
There is no such thing as perfection while we are still human. 
Even people who set out trying to live this way selflessly from the age of thirteen still mess up. 
So even if you have already dated many people, or even if you have slept with are not damaged goods. You can choose to live out of love from them from this point onward. 
None of us has a perfect past and we all mess up.
God is a loving God of second chances.

If you have made a choice to wait for your future husband, know that from someone who has been there, it is worth waiting for. 

I promise.

I don't know of anyone who has waited, guarded their heart for their husband and regretted it. 

So keep at girl! The Lord does answer those prayers! I am totally here cheering you on and telling you to keep running this race (Heb 12:1-2). 

I leave you with a beautiful song that encouraged me so much during those years of waiting.

Much Love,

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  1. That was really encouraging to me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! God Bless!

    1. I'm so glad Rebekah!! Thanks for letting me know too, its so nice to hear when people have been encouraged by what I felt I should write about =)
      Much Love!

  2. Dear L, this made me so happy. :) It takes courage to write about something so near and dear to your heart--something that is often very unpopular by the world's standards.

    But it needs to be said.
    This encouragement MUST be spoken!
    It all comes down to doing things God's way. He promises to bless us when we live a life that is obedient to him.

    And I had to smile when I saw the video you added. That song meant the world to me, too, when I was waiting, hoping and praying for my future husband.

    I know my prayers were answered. :)

    1. I'm so glad we have a similar heart for these issues girl! I have loved reading your posts of similar nature and unpopular-ness lately =)
      I LOVED that song so much it was my phone ringtone for several years, now I have to double check my phone isnt ringing everytime I hear it =) LOL
      Much Love!

  3. This is such an important topic. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Youre so welcome girl! Thanks for your encouragement! Much Love!

  4. Beautiful post...and being on the same side of the coin as you are, I know what you mean about not having the "voice" you used to have with the single crowd. It is something we need to keep telling those coming after us. God will be faithful...we just need to wait on Him. :) Thanks for keeping the message alive! Hopping from Graceful.

    1. Thanks Mindy! =) It is so true, but I guess I'm learning to encourage in order to share Christ's faithfulness and not just win friendships for myself =) Thanks for your encouraging comment. Much Love!

  5. What a truly encouraging post! I wish I would have guarded my heart for my husband. On the other side of it I can say I wish I would have listened to the people who went through it.

    1. Thanks for sharing Daisy! =) There's so many things in this area I wish I would have done too =) =) God loves us regardless girl! =)
      Much Love!

  6. You took the words right out of my mouth. ;) I have written several posts on the topic of purity (at as it is a subject near and dear to my heart. The exact words you typed came into my head when I was typing one of my posts on purity: "I don't know of anyone who has waited, guarded their heart for their husband and regretted it." So true and a message more people need to hear and take to heart.
    I always liked that Rebecca St. James song, btw. :)

    1. Thanks for your encouraging comment Becca. Will totally have to head over to your blog and check those out. Thanks for letting me know. I struggle to keep up with everyones posts =)
      So thankful to meet someone with a similar heart! God is so good!
      Much Love!

  7. I love this post! 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 is one of my all time favorites!!

    1. Same here girl! Its just an awesome piece of scripture and so challenging & convicting!! Much Love!

  8. Hi! Following you from Military Monday blog hop! Looking forward to reading more! Would appreciate the follow back!


    1. Hey Kat! Thanks for stopping by! Will make sure to head over and check out your blog. Much Love!

  9. Amen! This is a message that needs to be heard more often from those in the church. I remember being single and it was so hard. I didn't guard my heart enough but I am so thankful that I prayed for my future husband. It did make a difference in his life.

    I'm visiting from the Military Monday blog hop:)

    1. Thanks for sharing girl! What a precious love story! =) I'm sure he was so thankful for those prayers =) Much Love!

  10. I found you through a group giveaway, and I'm your newest follower :)
    I REALLY enjoyed reading this post! This is something that I would want my daughter to read in a couple of years (she is only 11 right now). Thank you for sharing this. I look forward to reading more from you.
    Have a blessed day.
    Anna @

    1. Hey Anna!! Well I'm super glad you decided to stop by! Yay for giveaways =) woop woop!! =)
      Thanks so much for your encouraging comment. Much Love!

  11. Just found your blog and I am delighted that I did. Looking forward to reading more. My husband and I are teaching our children about purity and waiting. Thank you for this sweet post.

    1. Thanks Janine! =) Its super encouraging to hear sweet comments from people =) Much Love!

  12. As someone who is in the season of waiting, this is such an encouragement. Thank you so much for taking the time to share this!

    1. Aww Samantha thanks so much for reading & commenting!! I seriously have such a heart for girls in your situation because it can be so challenging. Much Love girl! =)

  13. Great post. I'm so glad this topic is being taught.

    Anna - 11 isn't too young to be training your daughter about modesty and purity.

    1. Thanks so much Phyllis! Much Love =)

  14. I love this, L. And I love that it isn't absurdly idealistic, that you recognize we do mess up, even when we set out trying for this, that we're not perfect.

    I'm encouraged when I hear stories from people who are married and spent their relationship seeking the Lord first and each other second. It gives me hope not only for myself, but for other women who want to know if God hears this cry of their hearts, and the answer is stories like yours is yes, absolutely, He does.

    1. Oh girl, the number of things I wish we had done different in order to protect our purity!! =) We totally mess up!! That's why we need the cross =)
      You should totally have hope! He will answer your prayers more than you ever expected =) Much Love!

  15. beautiful, beautiful truths. so proud of you for posting this - so encouraging :)

    1. Thanks girl! I'm so proud of you for pretty much every post you write! You are inspiring! Much Love!

  16. Thanks for writing on a topic that doesn't get much press or popularity. :)

    1. Thanks for your encouraging comment Alyssa! Much Love girl! =)

  17. Interesting thoughts, thank you for sharing.

  18. Very nice post. I wish more girls would understand this. I wrote something similar the other day about waiting in my post: "Waiting for Mr. Right like a Firefly". I would love for you to check it out!

    1. Hey friend! So sorry for being so late to reply, will have to check out your post. Thanks for sharing!! =)

  19. Beautifully done, friend. :)

  20. What an important message. I loved it when you said, "There is something encouraging about hearing God answer a prayer that you yourself are praying." We can all apply this, regardless of our situation.

    1. Yes! Absolutely! =) I have had so many thoughts on how these same principles apply to all of us regardless of where we find ourselves in life. Working on sharing those soon! Much Love friend & thanks for the encouraging words! =)

  21. I am the opposite--I love hearing from people who are married, and succeeded finding their soul mate (or, rather, let God point them in the right direction!) after traveling down a similar path as what I'm trying to travel down right now. I'm waiting for marriage, didn't date in high school, and, since then, have tried (and failed, often) muddling through how to date...not date...court...not court... it's confusing out there! While I am encouraged by single girls, I also love to hear from married women who have been there/done that (or not done that!), and succeeded! I find such encouragement in that, in knowing that other "waiting" women have found their true loves!!

    1. Oh Erin! Your words are SO encouraging. I'm so glad that these words do encourage others! =) Thankyou for leaving such precious words! It encourages me to keep sharing to keep encouraging! Much Love!! =) =)
