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Friday 15 June 2012

Life, A story worth Living.

This past weekend we got to attend two grad parties.
This is a relatively new thing for me these last few years.
In England, no-one has Grad parties. 
But I do love the exciting anticipation that surrounds graduation, whether it be from college or high-school.
That elated feeling of wondering where the Lord will take you next. 
The slightly scary part of not-knowing.
Then feeling the need to trust Him.
And relearning the need to trust with every difficult situation.

There's something about this time of year which holds much promise.
Something so exciting about all the change in plans of so many people.
Even since leaving school, this time of year has continued to hold so many exciting changes
I have been able to see the Lord answer so many prayers from Springtime through graduation.
Visa provisions, places to live just being provided, job provisions. 
He never fails to amaze me.

But then again....
the provisions are there throughout the year.
Maybe I am just better at seeing them at this time of year.

I feel like life is a bit like a story.
With many plot changes occuring at this beautiful time of year.
This year promises to be the same.
A big move coming up.
And praying for breakthrough in several other areas.

The only thing I hope as time goes by.....
is that the story my life continues to tell.....
is one where the main character is Jesus,
and Not me.

That others see Him through my life & not me.
Then it will be a story worth living.

Much Love,

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  1. Grad parties are so fun! Glad you got to enjoy a few!

    1. Thanks girl! Me too =) They are pretty awesome, although perhaps a little too much sugar when you do them back-to-back ;)
      Much Love!!

  2. So true...I love special occasions like this because it helps us "see."

    1. Totally girl! They really do help you see the bigger picture!
      Much Love!

  3. I love your perspective and I totally agree!
