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Sunday 17 June 2012

Flip Flop Tan lines make me ridiculously happy.

The many reasons why I love summer. Anyone agree?

  1. The flip flop tan lines. I can't help but admire them.
  2. My hair dries so fast....its AMAZING. Air-dries.
  3. Little kids wandering round in just a diaper. SO adorable it almost hurts.
  4. Hanging outside & taking pictures. Everything looks prettier in the sun.
  5. My pretty little painted toes (they are painted in the winter too) get to see the outside world.
  6. Naturally highlighted hair.
  7. New bathing suits from Target. Awesome. 
  8. The beach. no explanation necessary.
  9. Energy. For some reason I have more of it in the summer.
  10. Weddings. Goodness im becoming more & more sentimental about them.
  11. Iced water from starbucks. Totally the classy way to hydrate oneself.
  12. No leggings or tights required for dressy wedding outfits.
  13. Dreaming of Paris. (BTW europe has more of an appeal....I think im truly becoming an american....this is TOO funny)
  14. iced vanilla lattes. (no explanation given, needed or should be expected.)
  15. Ice cream....or specifically frozen custard. Yum.
  16. Tanned skin. As much as my british snow white complexion can be fun....there's something about being tanned that I LOVE. I think i'm a vitamin D addict.
  17. Berry picking. So berry fun. (couldnt resist)
  18. Dancing in the car with the windows blowing in the wind.
  19. These nude heels I found in payless shoes. Aren't they amazing.
  20. Longer hours of daylight. Getting up early in the morning is SO much easier compared to ice & snow and darkness.
  21. Being able to go for long bike rides either during the day or in the evening with A. I love being outdoors.
  22. Volleyball. So much fun. 
  23. Sunglasses. And the way they are permanently a part of everyday outfits. So much so that usually by the end of the summer, I have tan lines from them. (Not liking this part so much!)
  24. Forgetting to grab a sweater when leaving the house first thing in the morning, then remembering that its warm out and you don't need it.
  25. Remembering that the snow is probably 6 months away. yipppeeeee.

For these reasons, I'm seriously considering declaring myself a westcoast girl. Summer just makes me too should be a year-round thing.

Leave me a comment and tell me what your reason for enjoying summer is.

Much Love,

P.S. I may just be wanting an iphone because I want to use Instagram so badly. I even downloaded the app onto my ipod touch, but don't use it. Sigh. Anyone want to buy me one with a free plan ;)?

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  1. I love summer so much. Being outside is my favorite. P.S. I've also been obsessing over instagram for months now. We're finally getting iPhones on Tuesday and I'm like beyond excited. It's probably not healthy for me to be this excited haha.

    1. oh so do I girl!! I'm always so happy in the summer =)
      HAHA im totally jealous about the iphones, you'll have to enjoy it for me too =) =)
      Much Love!

  2. Totally agree. Summer fever is in the air. What's not to love about summer?

    1. Absolutely!! Although the itch on my leg would tell me the answer to your question might be mosquitos =S
      Much Love girl!

  3. i LOVE summer. it's my favorite. plus i live in florida, so it's summer just about year round here :) oh and it pains me to wear anything but my flops.

    1. I'm totally jealous Meg!! I want to live in either FL, CA or TX =) =) Totally not cause I know ppl in all those places =) well maybe....but also for the weather.
      I know what you mean....when I put the flipflops away for winter, I cry.
      Much Love!

  4. Great list! So many great things about summer!

  5. this post makes me all kinds of happy :) i agree with ALL of them but especially love what you said about iced water from Starbucks - so true haha! and my FAV?! the shout-out you gave to vanilla lattes!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! :) I CANT wait to share drinking them together ;) xo

    1. HAHA yes!!! Doing the iced water in style girl!! =)
      Absolutely!! I dont think i had one when we were together before, this will change next time though, for sure =)
      Much Love!!

  6. i love this list!

    i think you have more energy in the summer because you get more vitamin D. (sorry for that; i have to indulge the chemistry nerd in me somewhere.)

    iced vanilla lattes. YUM. i have been at biggby for the past two hours and debating getting one before work that entire time.
