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Wednesday 27 June 2012

The Girl Behind The Blog Linkup: A Little More.


The Girl Behind The Blog- A Little More
Time limit: Vlogs should be 2-3 minutes long
Introduce yourself and your blog
What is something we wouldnt know about you just by reading you're blog?
How would you describe your style- whether it be home decor, music or personal?
What is your biggest pet peeve?
What is your favorite guilty pleasure?

I'm still working on these not being so awkward you guys.
Did I ever tell you about the time in 6th grade when I ran for student council.
I said my name and front of like 300+ people.
Yeah....good times.
So public speaking is not my thing, even in front of my camera.
But anyway.....I made another one.

Hope you enjoy!

Don't you love how I look like I'm spelling my name. Fun times.

Much Love,

P.S. Hope to see you all at Influence in October =) =) I am $50 away from being able to buy my ticket. Buy from my Etsy if you want to support me.

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  1. Ok, you always say you arent doing one and you always do one haha. Wait... you were a midwife? AWESOME. also, I always tell 5ohHubby that 5ohBaby ate the ice cream. And dont even get me started on girl drama.. totally agree!

  2. oh my goodness this makes me miss you even more!! i seriously love:

    a. your ring
    b. the pictures behind you -so cute :)
    c. the balloon string - was seriously laughing out LOUD haha!


  3. You're too cute! I love getting to know more about you in your own voice.

  4. hi there! coming from the hop!


    have a wonderful day!

  5. So glad I found your blog through the GFC blog hop :) Following you now.


  6. L I must never have seen a vlog from you before because this was a total surprise! I am not sure what I thought you would sound like, but maybe a little british or canadian? haha not sure why. I can't wait to meet in October! yay!

  7. you are seriously the cutest! haha i think you are just SO endearing and sweet.

  8. you are too sweet! love your blog and loved your video! glad you did it!

    that is so cool that you used to be a midwife. and i loved that you brought up lisa frank. so many memories pertaining to lisa frank and school supply shopping! :)

    and i am right there with you with the girl drama. you think that it stops in high school but i follows you. yikes...definitely not a fan of it and gossip!

    thanks for sharing!

    happy thursday!

  9. you are sooo cute.. i love you, girl.. you're spirit seems so sweet and sincere and i love that...i definitely agree with working out my own pet peeve in myself.. i told some of other girls,i hate when i say "i dont want to gossip but.." i drive myself crazy..haha

  10. I am so happy that you linked up with us!!! I did not know that you use to be a midwife, I can tell from listening to your voice that you were probably great at it! I just adored my midwife! Thanks again for linking up! xo

  11. Love you! You are so lovely and sweet. Love all the cool edits you do on your videos. I feel like such an amateur next to you :)

  12. here's something we wouldn't know about you just by reading: THE FACT THAT YOU'RE BRITISH. how did you not mention this?! haha.

    i hate girl drama. we've talked about this.


    is it creating more girl drama if we vent about girl drama?! AHHH.
