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Wednesday 20 June 2012

Life on God's Timing.

I am a list person.
I like to write things down so they won't be forgotten. 
I stay up late to list the things that need doing the next day. 
Then I have the immense satisfaction of being able to cross out tasks as I accomplish them.
It brings me great feelings of achievement.

I have even been known to add things done prior to writing my 'to-do' list, just so I can cross them off already. 
Yeah, I'm one of those. 
Whenever I have a 'day off' or 'day when I don't officially work' I like to write lists so I feel I accomplished something with my day.

The problem with my list days is that I find I'm pretty clingy when interruptions try and take away what I planned to do that day. 
See having the list usually leaves no room in my day for doing things on God's timing.
For seeing people and interactions through His eyes.
I'm all about trying to maximize my precious free-time to get as much done as possible during my 'day-off.' 

Sometimes I have even managed to be so into a task on my list, that I feel needs doing, that I have not answered my phone because I felt I was too busy

This kind of thinking has been leaving no time in my precious days to accomplish the Lord's plan for my day.
(Don't get me wrong, I totally think there is a time and place for my lists. A lot of time the tasks on them are honoring to the Lord. But I hold to my own plan of how my time should look too tightly.)

For instance, instead of feeling the bathroom had to be scrubbed from floor to ceiling because the mess was becoming embarrassing (or just driving me crazy), I could have done something more meaningful. I could have perhaps taken a call from a sweet friend who needed to talk about something and encouraged her in her walk with the Lord
There is nothing wrong with keeping a clean house, in fact I feel it is a very good thing.
But perhaps not to the point where that task is interfering with more important things.

Lately, I've been even more demotivated than when I started after a 'List day,' as I climb into bed exhausted from the number of tasks I tried to accomplish in my 'rest day.' I may have written five items on a list that morning and only accomplished two because life got in the way a little. 

a friend called to have lunch.
my parents called from across the world to say hi.
I received an urgent email that needed replying to.
I realized I forgot to pay the heat bill.
Then I was on my computer already so I checked my email.

Interruptions are a part of life.

I'm trying to learn that before we have kids too. Because as I have heard & learned from some experiences it will only get harder to try and get some things done.

As I was reading a section similar to this topic in Grace for the Good girl by Emily Freeman, I came across this:
'To accept the lovely, the messy, and the unexpected things in our days, knowing that God sees them and has an eternal perspective, is to say with confidence I receive your timing. I accept that you know so I don't have to. Even when it all goes wrong.'

I'm learning that in this rapid-paced, always-in-a-hurry culture that I have adopted some of its tendencies to feel the need to be on the go all the time. 
It's no wonder I feel tired a lot.
I'm (trying) to learn that it's honestly ok when (often what seems to me) like an essential task gets put off for a few days, like cleaning the bathroom.

I hope I will learn to have an eternal perspective someday where I will regularly take time out of the busyness of emails, social media and just lie in the grass staring at the stars praying. Knowing that this is a far better way to spend a free hour. 

Learn to do what matters most.

Time with the Lord matters most. 
Writing tomorrow's blog post is less important.

Relationships matter most.
A clean bathroom is less important.

Learn to see that sometimes good things get in the way of great things.
God's timing is a much better pace for my life.
Even if at first it feels weird & uncomfortable.
I hope someday I get to the place where I can wake up on a 'day off' and start the day without a schedule by saying 'Lord, show me what you want me to do today.'

Wouldn't that be an exciting adventure? Who knows where He might lead.

earrings: charlotte russe
dress: target
shoes: payless

Much Love,

A recovering List-addict

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  1. I'm a list person as well. And I like to have certain things that I accomplish on "days off," just so it feels I accomplished something. I'm really learning as well, that I need to step back and find out what God wants me to do with my day. That I need to let Him have control, instead of acting like I'm in control. Thanks for the encouragement!

    1. Praise the Lord girl! And thanks for sharing, its encouraging to know someone else is learning the same thing =) Thats one of the things I LOVE about the blogging community!
      Much Love!

  2. I'm a lister, too! Sometimes it really helps and makes me feel like I actually accomplished something!

    1. Oh totally, most of the time that's the case for me girl! =)I think I've just become a little too attached to them lately =)
      Much Love!

  3. Um...have you been reading my mind?!? Or at least my blog in the last couple days??

    So nice to know there's someone else telling me it's ok to put talking on the phone with a sister in Christ before finishing lunch dishes.

    I'm not a list-writer, but I have a list constantly in my head. (currently, it's finish dishes, clean kitchen floor, put away laundry, vacuum and dust living room, and of course, clean the bathroom.)

    I realize I spend a lot of time blogging. I could spend much less.

    But not doing stuff around the house is NOT always a bad thing.

    When it comes down to it, relationships matter most! (Ann Voskamp wrote about that very thing today...did you see her post?)

    1. HAHA wow im glad someone shares my feelings on this =) And no i didnt see Ann Voskamp's post...thanks girl will have to go and check it out =) how funny!!
      Much Love!

  4. this is just perfectly beautiful.

    and girl, those pictures are breathtaking!!!!! who took those??? annie? or d? so good.

    1. Thanks sweet friend, you are always so encouraging to me! Those pictures are awesome right!!! They are annie's work =) =)
      Shes awesome!!
      Much Love!

  5. Oh, girl. Me too. I'm learning to embrace rest and flexibility but when my expectations for my day aren't met it takes some prayer and perspective to get my attitude in the right place again!

    And YOU ARE GORGEOUS! i'm stealing that dress.

    1. aww you're so sweet girl! I'm glad to be learning similar things at the same time...the Lord is so good =)
      oh and steal away, its an awesome dress =)
      Much Love!

  6. I love the photographs that accompany this post. It is so very rich in the visual as well as the written word. Might I mention, recovering list-addict, that you listed credits after your last picture. That really made me smile from ear to ear.

    Fun being here from Ann's,
    I MUST take it with me (posted right before you)!

    1. HAHAHA oh goodness girl youre totally right I did =S
      Guess I'm more of an addict than I thought ;)
      Thanks for visiting from Ann's =) I need to head over and catch up on some other posts linked up =)
      Much Love!!

  7. I am a former list-maker and recovering perfectionist. I, too, would write things down just so I could have more to cross off. I actually quit making lists because I realized that for me they were becoming an idol. Now, I only write things down when there's a chance I might forget. I'm not going to forget the messy counter because it will be screaming at me until I take care of it!

    Bit by bit I'm learning so see what I considered "interruptions" for what they really are - God's divine appointments. As I write this, my house is still in shambles after returning home from mission work in Kenya a week ago, but my daughter needs help and so right now my ministry is to my grandson. In the scheme of all eternity, he should rank much higher than a clear counter!

    1. aww thanks for sharing such wonderful details of your life! Thats super encouraging to hear I'm not alone in learning these lessons =) =) I'm sure your daughter is SO appreciative of your loving spirit in caring for your grandson =) =)
      Thanks for the encouraging comment! =)

  8. Let me tell you that you are way ahead of the pack, if you are already understanding the importance less "me" more "God", at your young age. Seeing that your yes, pre-wired personality to be a list person, is no excuse for the sin of selfishness was a jagged pill I had to swallow only after children and years of depression. God has given you a sensitive spirit, what a gift. Keep it fine honed with His Word.
    I love your pictures too. What are you standing behind?
    Thanks for sharing,

    1. I think this is the sweetest comment I have received friend =) =) I am super encouraged by what you wrote, so thank you SO much!
      If I am learning difficult lessons its only by the Lord's grace I tell you =)
      The pictures were taken by a wall on the side of a building in a downtown area that just happens to be painted =) =)
      Much Love!

  9. Love the dress! Such a cute outfit.
    I have eased back on the accomplishing stuff since I had a little one. Something about having a toddler in the house makes it more likely that I am going to be on the floor playing than cleaning the bathroom and after four years I'm okay with that. No my house isn't always pristine, but man the time goes by so fast and I believe God is far more interested in how I am raising my son than how clean my house is. ;)

    1. Thanks girl! I am such a fan of that dress too....although it is silky material and I was totally baking by the end of these pictures haha =) =)
      Being on the floor playing with your toddler is definitely the best place to be girl! =) Totally agree with what the Lord has been teaching you! =) Much Love!

  10. This is so how I am! My husband is much better at prioritizing people. I am learning a lot from him...I'm so thankful to be learning this. =)
    Alesha <3

    1. My husband is the same girl! How neat =) =) =)
      Same here...the Lord is so good to be teaching me things like this =) =)
      Much Love!

  11. Thank you so much for linking up to First Day of My Life's Thankful Thursday <3

    You are so cute - I love your green dress!! So pretty.

    I've loved your post VERY much. God is SO good...all of the time. God is definitely our #1 priority...we are blessed that we can say that!

    1. Thanks for hosting girl!! I LOVE joining with linkups, they are such a great way to meet people =) =) So many awesome bloggers out that, I'm sad I don't have more time to get to know everyone!! =)
      We are totally blessed to be able to say that!! So thankful PTL!! =)
      Much Love!

  12. Great post! I am a total list maker, too so this really ministered to me. Thanks for the reminder to be flexible and leave room for God's plans. God bless you much! Visiting from

    1. Thanks for sharing that girl! =) Glad you stopped by here =)
      So encouraging to find people struggling with similar issues =)
      Much Love!

  13. Oh wow. Wednesday I've scheduled a post about this subject too! And it was a post from Jennifer Lee over at Getting Down with Jesus that encouraged me to write what I've been thinking about lately. (And I've been thinking a lot, and waiting for an announcement to be made, so the post kinda had to get in line...) Anyway, I'm so worried that I'll get distracted by time-wasters (tv, internet, Civ IV) that I made a schedule for myself. Crazy. Anyway, if you don't mind, I'd like to email you the link when it finally goes live?

    1. oooh I totally want to read it =) Absolutely send me the link =)
      I love it when that happens, the Lord is so good!!
      Much Love!!

  14. Love this post. I agree that sometimes I need to step back and see what is really important and make sure my priorities are always in line. I'm a new follower and would love if you followed back at
