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Thursday 21 June 2012

Being Content with your Life.

Today was one of those super scorchers, like in the high 90s and super humid.
One of those days where I totally wish we had AC in the house, or hey the car would even work.
But since we don't and since I have the privilege of caring for two beautiful girls, I spent the day hanging out in the sprinklers, shrieking joyfully with a four year old and enjoying myself.

There's something so sweet about hanging with children.
They are content with little things.
They don't worry about being things, they know they are cared for.
I loved being reminded that even if I'm hot, I can run through a sprinkler.
Yes, my hair might get messy, but who's watching?
I can lie back in a hammock with two precious girls who share their thoughts and ideas, as we munch on blueberries and other good fruit.
I can enjoy brushing their hair and reading to them.
(Even the book I've read at least 20+ times already)
We tell stories over lunchtime, yes I have made up an entire series based around a strawberry called Sally.
We play Wii when it starts to pour with rain outside and enjoy the shelter of a house.
We take naps.
Then at the end of the day before heading out to be with the hubby, I get to lie in the grass and see what shapes the clouds make and laugh at silly jokes like:

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because he was running after a mouse......
(no idea)

I am learning that being content with life is a choice.
Although that day sounds just plain awesome.
There are moments in between which could be seen as difficult or negative.
Choosing what to take away from the events in a day can help you feel content or discontent.
It really is a choice.

I could choose to focus on what I don't have in life right now.
Like wanting to own a home, or a decent car that doesn't need regular work or 
even has working ac.
We don't have health insurance or even steady income sometimes.

But you know what. 
God provides.
If its something He has taught me since we got married (almost two years ago, can you believe it!) its He provides above and beyond our needs.

Although I could choose to focus on what I don't have......
I can also choose to focus on what I do have.

A year ago we moved into our first home together.
We had no furniture. Like literally.
Now, I'm wondering how in the world we are going to get all the furniture which was mostly given to us into a truck to move it elsewhere in a few weeks.
Just over a year ago, I was living in a different country to the hubby.....since then I think I have only been apart from him for a handful of nights.

I have no idea what your life is like girl.
I haven't walked your path.
But know that I care, God cares more.
I don't know what you are waiting on Him for or what you have been dreaming of since you were a little girl.
But I know that the Lord hears us when we cry out to Him.
That He has not forgotten those dreams you shared with Him.

But I also know several things the Lord shares with us about contentment:

'Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.'
{Hebrews 13:5}

'Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.'
{Philippians 4:11-13}

'Now there is great gain in godliness with contentment, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content.'
{1 Timothy 6:6-8}

'Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.'
{Matthew 6:31-33}

I have much to learn about being content.
I am sure a lot of the hardships in life are to bring about riches in our spiritual life. 
Even though those trials are so hard, they usually reap the most rewarding results.

I may not have any control over the trials in my life.
But I can choose to be content.
To be wholeheartedly where the Lord has me.
To trust Him.

Want to join me?

If you have burdens and need prayer for contentment.....
I would love to be able to pray for you.
You can email me ( or find me on twitter.
I would love to hear from you.

Much Love,

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  1. this is such a sweet reminder. i love the story about the littles you nanny for - and i laughed out loud when you mentioned the strawberry named sally part haha! :)

    and you look just gorgeous in these shots - i love that background!

    love ya :)

    1. Haha oh girl...that sally the strawberry has been on my mind if I ever want to consider writing childrens book. She's awesome =) As said by one of the girls, she also always seems to be doing things they do ;)

  2. I wish I could give you a great big hug right now. It sounds like you understand perfectly what I'm in the middle of at the moment. Yeah, there's a lot we don't have...but there is SO MUCH that we do have. What am I going to choose to focus on? God? And all the blessings He's given us? Or myself, and the things I want, and my own selfishness?

    Hm. Seems like an easy choice, doesn't it? :)

    Thank you so much for this gentle and sweet reminder. (And your stories about the little ones made me smile!!)

    1. I would DEFINITELY give you a great big hug girl!!! =) Its awesome having people walking through the same thing!! =) Thanks for sharing!!
      It seems like an easy choice but it so isn't =) Much Love!!

  3. Yes! I love this post and I think all of us, in some way, struggle with embracing contentment. And I loved that you quoted Phil 4 in context!

    It's beautiful that God uses these kiddos you nanny to model contentment for you and show you His grace. He's so good!

    1. He is indeed SO good =) I'm thankful for His teaching through so many things in life =)
      I love that phil verse! But yeah I guess thinking about it, often it does appear a little out of context =S
      Much Love!!

  4. I love this post! Thank you for the reminder. It is a choice too be content and we can always have joy in our salvation. You're a sweethear. Love your blog. New follower :) Thanks for commenting.

    1. Thanks for the sweet comment girl!! =) I love your blog too =) =)
      Much Love!!

  5. New follower from Wiegand hop. You post is very powerful and true! Look forward to reading more. Love for you to follow back when you get a chance.

  6. such an inspiration. you totally share my heart girl in your desire to encourage and lift up those who are reading... you and erin... such sweet spirits you both have..choosing to be content (not that we shouldnt hold on to dreams that God placed inside of of us) but that we should be thankful in the meantime, knowing that God always provides, even if we dont have everything that someone else has...having the outlook and contentment may be something they dont have..which i believe is far better.. love you =)

  7. LOVE the look of your new blog design! and i thought i was following you!! i sure am now! ;)

  8. Hugs, love, and many prayers to you.

  9. Beautiful post! It actually brought a tear to my eye because I struggle with this all the time, especailly now that my husbands work has been cut back and we have a third baby on they way. Thank-you!

  10. Very encouraging post! I think you're right- we can choose to be content or not. It's funny to look back on times when we had more and were less content. By the way, great verses!

  11. great post.I love this. Stopping by. Found you on Casey's blog.

    lauren rebecca

  12. thank you for this reminder- needed it today!

  13. I'm grateful for this beautiful reminder too. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your deep faith at my Say G'day linky party! I hope you enjoy many more days of running through sprinklers!

    This week's linky is now live and I am very excited to invite you to a Social media linky party that I will be hosting on July 14. The details are all at the blog if you would like to join in.

    Best wishes for a wonderful weekend,
    Natasha in Oz
