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Monday 18 June 2012

Influence Conference.


So I am a little bit late discussing here about a very important blogging event coming up. 
Its going to be one of those events that everyone talks about after it happens, its going to be epic and 'you're going to totally wish you were there and kick yourself if you don't go' type things.

If you've been around the bloggy world, chances are you've already heard of the conference.
If should have! 
Now at first I was a little skeptical after hearing several sweet girls talk about a bad experience from a different event. 
But since the lovely Casey Wiegand is one of the hosts ~ I'm all in.


The conference still remains a dream of mine for now. There's where I'm hoping lovely people like you guys will come in. 
If you've hung around for longer than a few minutes on my blog, I hope you've discovered that I'm hopelessly in love with Jesus.
I'm not perfect but I want my life to be all about Him.

How does the conference come in? Well see the whole point of Influences is to learn how to use your influence to make Christ known. 
And girl, that's my whole point. For blogging at all.

Around the time the announcement for the conference was made, a sweet friend of mine emailed me. I haven't seen her in years but lately we have been corresponding again and praying for one another. I was so challenged by one of her prayers for me....

that the Lord would grow me in humility in every role He has me in. That I would use my influence to really love others and showcase His love to them.  

Then the conference was announced.

You think I would have heard this message loud and clear. Even then I was skeptical, even though of all the places to pick to host the event, it is only four hours away from where we live. 
Another coincidence? I don't believe in them.

God is lining things up left, right and center for me to possibly go to this conference. There are four amazing girls I have met through blogging and never thought it was possible to make lifelong friends through a blog. But sure enough they have continued to encourage me that this dream is possible and that dreams come true. 

I really feel this dream might come true. 

So....I am trusting that financially I will raise the money in time. Some days this requires all the faith I have and then some.
So without further delay I want to show you my new Etsy lines, where all the money from my Etsy store will go into my Influence fund to help attend this conference and learn how to blog to shine for Jesus. So if you need a gift for someone, consider buying from my Etsy store. 
I can't wait to learn from these gifted ladies about how to use my influence to make much of Jesus. If I do manage to go, I will totally blog all about it!! Obviously. 
{There is also a Paypal option on my sidebar, just in case anyone wants to donate to my Influence fund} 

Want to join me on this adventure? I would love to see you there. 
Can't wait to meet you in person girl!
I'll be the one with the silly grin on my face.

Much Love,

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  1. i love this! so glad you are doing it. what a good idea :) i, am praying fervently that the Lord opens the door for you to attend the conference and i am believing with you that He will!
    i also LOVE your new blog design :)
    and i ADORE so so much your shop. especially the 4th of July headband and the pics with the little girl :) SO CUTE!

    1. Thanks girl!! I appreciate your encouragement SO much!! I have had a sale, so He is totally opening up doors =) =)
      Thanks so much, I haven't had time to really work on the new design so it will be a work-in-progress this week =) =)
      Haha im in love with the 4th July headband too, if noone buys it I'm gonna have to wear it =) =)
      She is a cutie!! =) They turned out really well =)
      Love you!!!

  2. This is a fantastic idea!! I really hope you raise all the money you need. I wish I could go because I know that conference is going to be amazing!!

    Stopping by from Finding Beauty :)

    1. Thanks girl! I hope so too =) It looks like a blast!! =) You planning on going?
      Much Love!

  3. Oh man that sounds like such a good conference! Right up my alley. Maybe some tickets from Hawaii will miraculously fall from the sky :). Found you via Military Monday and I think we may have much in common!
