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Tuesday 26 June 2012

[Behind the Scenes] Early Summer Fashion with Annie & L

{Co-hosted Fun with Annie of What She Saw....}

We rock those scarves! Oh yes...we do!

Want some fashion fun with Annie & L???
We knew you would....who wouldn't want in on this fun!!
Windy days are great interesting for fashion shoots. Its the new 'in' thing at least we think so.
So we met up for some coffee, as Starbucks can fix a lot of things when shared with a friend.
The number of spiritual conversations the chain of coffee stores must have seen, and the number of worst pickup lines....what a thought.

[The fashion part]
shirt: love culture
scarf: forever 21
jeans: charlotte russe
shoes: dsw

In case you ever wanted to see 'behind the scenes' of taking pictures on a windy day,
you can see the full effects. Annie is one of the best models for putting up with difficult conditions. Plus not to mention the town we were in was having an Art show, so there were hundreds of people crammed into the small downtown area. Awkward for posing right??
Annie did awesome.
Come on....who else could make a scarf flying in your face look cute!! 


[The fashion part]
shirt: Old Navy 
tank top: Wet Seal
scarf: f21

Yes, pictures with L usually involves much goofing off & results in lots of silly poses.
Since this is a behind the scenes post, you will actually be able to see them today.
No-one ever gets to see 'behind the scenes' of fashion shoots.
We usually see the perfect shots where people look like models.
(Or rather are airbrushed to the point of no recognition in magazines)
But for every one of those shots, there are ten hilarious ones.

So in an attempt to not put our best foot forward, we bring you the unedited behind the scenes look.
We're keeping it real, ladies.
The scarf look.....for those awkward, fun, silly & awesome summer moments.
On days where it isn't 90 degrees and sunny anyway.

Much Love,


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  1. Haha, you two are hilarious and cute! Love the pictures.

    1. Thanks Daisy! We totally had a ton of fun =)

  2. Thanks for sharing this...not many photographers want to show the "out takes." Very cute! :)


    1. Oh girl, we were dying of laughter about the outtakes from these pictures =) They were far more fun than the serious 'decent' pictures we took =) Much Love!

  3. I love it! It's so fun to goof off with friend. You both look wonderful and are def rocking your scarfs. I love your fun blog!

  4. I love scarfs. I always wish I could wear them in the summer time, but it is so hot!

    Stopping by from the two thirty five link up!

  5. So fun! Love the pics and and the peek behind the scenes. :)

  6. Looks like it was a fun day! Jeans, tee shirt and scarf are is pretty much my go-to outfit all spring :)

    Pink Chai Style
