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Monday 11 June 2012

[Letters on the Power of Words: Part 4] The Heart of the Issue.

Dearest Little L,

I'm so glad you are at least reading these letters and continue to wish that you knew their content years beforehand. This is the last letter I will be writing to you girl on the topic of the power of words. You can find the others HERE, HERE & HERE.
I have probably saved the most important issue for this last one as it deals with the root of the issue around your words.

Ever been sitting having a conversation with someone and before you have a chance to think, you say something you wish you hadn't. That inappropriate comment which was just a thought in your head is suddenly out in the open. You've said something you didn't really mean and now you can't take it back. 
Ever been in the middle of an argument and in the heat of the moment you've said something you promised yourself you would never bring up again. You've said things in anger to try and hurt the person in front of you, whom you love dearly.  

Your speech reflects your heart about a topic, girl. As a person talks you can hear in their tone, actions, facial expressions and words how they truly feel about something or someone.

'When you examine your words, you'll discover your heart.'
~ C.J. Mahaney, Humility

While reading his book, Humility, it stuck with me the fact that destructive words tend to reveal pride within a person. Your words show how you feel towards an issue or person and reveal more than perhaps you would want revealed.
Do you tear someone down because you think you are better or wiser that them? Are you jealous of them for whatever reason? 

Edifying words show evidence that a person has been truly changed by the Gospel and has a deep relationship with Jesus.

'Only the humble are genuinely concerned about edifying and encouraging others.'
~ C.J. Mahaney 

What a challenging thought, right girl? The opposite of humility is pride. So if you aren't seeking to encourage others, which would be clear from your words....maybe its because your heart is full of pride or selfishness (self-focus). Are you seeking what others need because you are self-righteous? Do you genuinely want to help them or do you just want to be liked and needed by them? Do you consider yourself better than someone else?

Your words reveal a lot about your heart.

We may be able to hide behind a mask of doing all the right things in life like Emily Freeman talks about in her book, Grace for the Good girl. But our words can give us away.....Even if we never slip in front of others and our words are never spoken out loud, our thoughts can tell us a lot about ourselves.

In the near future Little L, you will do a study on Proverbs and the many times it mentions the connections between the tongue and the heart. 
What you learn will be so valuable.

'One whose heart is corrupt does not prosper; one whose tongue is perverse falls into trouble.'
~ Proverbs 17:20

'Their tongue is a deadly arrow; it speaks deceitfully. With their mouths they all speak cordially to their neighbors, but in their hearts they set traps for them.'
~ Jeremiah 9:8

'Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest in hope...'
~ Acts 2:26  

Being careful with our words is so important and as these verses show, we can start change by examining our hearts

All is possible through Christ who gives us strength girl! 
You can't do it alone.

Much Love,

An Older L

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  1. Beautiful. And so true.

  2. this was really good! it spoke to me alot and touched on things mine didnt exactly...Ive struggled with this "Do you genuinely want to help them or do you just want to be liked and needed by them? "...and what you said made sense...when i dont get my way, people needing me in a certain way... i dont lash out, but i try to make them see how wrong they are...and can come across self righteous. which is not what i want. i want to emanate true humility...not pride.. thank you!!

    1. Absolutely girl! I feel I heard your heart so well on the topic! Its such a messy topic and one that causes so many issues. Thanks for your post about this also =) You inspire me!
      Much Love!

  3. these truths so need to be heard! i love the scriptures you used :)
    and those pics of you are too cute. xoxox love!

    1. Thanks, Thanks & Thanks! =) are such an encouragement =)

  4. Oh words.... so much to them!
    I know I can, at times, easily say things that are hurtful! Need to examine my words before I open my mouth!

    1. Oh girl, I hear ya! =) I am totally guilty of hurting people left, right and center with my words. Its such a challenging topic =) Thanks for stopping by! Much Love!
