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Wednesday 20 June 2012

cheesy blogging pickup line.

So you know all those cheesy pick-up lines pictures going around.
Isn't this totally like one of those.
Yes, I wrote that to a potential sponsor this week.
And all I could think about were those pickup line things.
Then I laughed at myself, like hysterically.
What has coffee done to me.
I never used to like it. Like at all.
Then several bloggers got me into Starbucks lattes. (Thanks Ladies!)
Lets just say the effects of being hyped on coffee and up late are rather amusing.
Well, at least I find myself really amusing anyway.

That's all for today.
Much Love,

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    ps - excuse the all-caps - effects of coffee on ME ;)

  2. lol. You are too cute. :) By the way...I know Starbucks is GREAT, but you can make it cheaper at home... I honestly love coffee with a little (low-fat or sugar-free) hazelnut creamer and some milk. And there are tools for making homemade lattes and cappuccinos!

  3. So cute. Would love to do a button swap sponsorship with you. :) I blog over at
