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Monday 19 March 2012

{On My Heart} Mondays. [Keeping a beautiful home]

I felt it was time to write about why I feel home decor is so important.
Yes, it totally has to do with more than just loving beautiful homes and pottery barn catalogues.
God himself loves beautiful things....look at our world. He made things beautiful, like sunsets. Just because He could.
Not to say that for us humans, wanting things too beautiful and too perfect doesn't become a problem. Because it totally can. But that's slightly off topic for today, anyway....back to why I feel beauty in a home is important....

Your home has been given to you by our wonderful Father. For the enjoyment of your family & for you to share with others (hospitality). Just as we should take care of the bodies he has given us, the children he gives us and the money he gives us.
Why should we not also take good care of the homes he has given us.
A home which is not full of clutter can be a beautiful sanctuary cultivating intimacy. Intimacy with our prince, with our spouse, with our children and a beautiful place for those coming into our home to enjoy. It can be kind of awkward having someone come into our home and having to remove unmentionables off the floor so they can walk through to the couch.
Not exactly a relaxing atmosphere. That might be an extreme example but you get the point.

In our home, I try to keep our bedroom clutter free, to keep it orderly and inviting. This way when tired in the evening, I can head in there for some much needed rest. There is no mountain of papers, computers, books and other miscellaneous items needing to be put elsewhere before I can turn down the covers and climb in. It is ready should one of us need to lie down for a nap in the afternoon. It helps aid rest, not frustration because you first have to remove the clutter mountain.

While I fail to always keep our home in order, as you can tell from the pictures. I try to do so. Why?
Because having a clutter-free home creates a calmer atmosphere. If things are always in their place, I always know where they are. This way when I need to urgently find something, I know where it is. It helps keep me calm, it stops me feeling frustrated.

It also helps keep distractions to a minimum. When working on a pressing task, the last thing I want is to find that a pile of books or papers is sitting next to me. So when I glance at it, I see that letter from the bank I've been meaning to reply to and never got around to. So I take care of that and forget where I was in my task. Or sometimes, I forget about the task all-together as once again I saw something else I needed to see to.

Having a beautifully kept home can inspire you. It can help you when you are trying to creatively make something or even just spend some time with your heavenly prince. You can keep the distractions to a minimum and focus on Him.

A beautiful quote from the Set Apart Girl Magazine (Leslie Ludy) from Nov/Dec 2010 (p.83)
 says this:

'The purpose of your place puts prioruty on clearing out distractions, staving off frustration, and redeeming your time. It's not just so others can ooh and ahh over a snappy room and your divine organizational skills, but so they may see a life ordered, disciplined, and freed up to spend itself for what truly matters.'

Proverbs 31 mentions indirectly the home multiple times and we see the proverbs 31 woman keeping it orderly also.

'...She watches over the affairs of her household
   and does not eat the bread of idleness.'
(Proverbs 31:17)

 These are some of the reasons I try to keep an orderly beautiful home. Hopefully aiding with a relaxing atmosphere for both A & I as well as any guests we invite into our home. I see it as a beautiful gift from the Lord to take care of and continually be thankful for, even when washing dishes for the 5th time that day. 
Enjoy the blessing of your own home today. Whether that be a dorm room, apartment, bedroom at home or huge mansion. Be thankful for the blessing of the room the Lord has blessed you with for now. Take delight in caring for it =)

Much Love,

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  1. Thank you for this post. I spent all weekend trying to clean my home. I really feel like I can more easily feel the presence of God in my life when there are fewer distractions. I really have already found delight in taking care of it. Thanks for the post:D

  2. I can really relate to this post! One of my big goals is to simplify and organize. It is so much more relaxing living in an uncluttered organized space! Thanks for the extra push :)

  3. The only word I can think of to describe this post is BEAUTIFUL. Thank you so much for sharing. I have been hugely struggling to keep our home clean and kept up in a regular basis lately and I know my heart has not been in the right place. I have struggled with selfishness wanton more help from Travis even though he works really long hours at his job and helps me out a ton already. This post really put things in perspective for me and showed me where my heart should be in keeping a clean and inviting home. Thank so much!
    Alesha <3

  4. LOVE this post! It is so true! I like to keep my house in order since it does in the end make my life easier! Love how you pointed out needing to take care of our home because God gave it to us.

  5. Hey L,
    You're post hits home as I hate chores :-P I guess I need to remove the "chore" title from it and just make it a part of my day. But I thought I'd put out a blog for you to check out. It's called Simple Mom Tsh is all about keeping the home simple. Check it out I think you'll like her blog.

  6. Lovely post!! Inspired to keep my home peaceful and in order for sure:))

  7. Thank you so much for this. I LOVE having a clean home...but sometimes it's so hard to keep it so. Having a job, going to college full-time, AND being a wife and homemaker means sometimes I just don't have time. Or because I come home from a long, full day too tired to do much of anything. So there are days when the house is a mess, and that's just how it stays for a little while.

    HOWEVER--I do LOVE having a clean house, and I love getting it done because I like how it feels! So...thank you for the reminder, encouragement, and conviction!

  8. I agree that a clean home is restful. I cleaned our bedroom on the weekend and it makes a huge difference. It might be the only clean room in the house, but it's where I go to be still these days.

  9. Ooh...I love your lovely pillows! My post from the book, Feminine Appeal is on this very thing today! :)
