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Tuesday 27 March 2012

Glorious Spring & Etsy Surprise.

I apologize for not posting on Monday this week, friends.
I have been struggling to get well after having a really bad flu bug. Sounds like the never-ending excuse but unfortunately it is true.
I am feeling much better this evening, finally after a day of unbelievably painful stomach cramps. 
My poor sweet husband ending up watching the 2 kids I was caring for today =)
He is amazing.
So hopefully my body is finally healing. I no longer have the flu or the sinus infection that followed.
So hopefully I can start working out again this week.

I don't think I shared my goal for working out. 
During lent I wanted to give up 'not exercising'....
I don't usually give up things for Lent but I used it as motivation to kick my own butt into getting into shape. 
So I started the Jillian Michael's six week six-pack. As it is mainly my abs that needed work.
I saw results after just a week. I don't do it every day as this started to give me bad joint problems. So I work out for 3 days, then take a day off. Then do 3 more and a day off.
I did stop while I was sick and have struggled to start again with all the other viral problems that followed.
My plan is to work out for 40 days (I figured this was roughly six weeks of intense workout with maybe a day off a week). So I am on day 14.....after about a 10 day break, which was unplanned.

Just thought I would share.
And leave you with some beautiful pictures of the blossom trees in our neighbourhood.
A & I went for a walk and enjoyed looking at them all.
I think the white ones look like giant cottonballs on trees.
I have added several to my Etsy store which you can buy as prints.....

Click HERE to go to the store.

'Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.'
-2 Corinthians 5:17

Use couponcode:
for 20% off introductory price!!!

At just over $5 for the digital copy or a print, they are a steal!
Check them out!

Much Love,

P.S. If you havn't already....don't forget to sign up for the Spring Fling Swap. Its gonna be a ton of fun I promise!!! =) I'm SO excited!!!

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  1. I hope you get better soon!!! That doesn't sound like fun at all! Beautiful photos :)

  2. Beautiful pictures! I saw your post on etsy and would love it if you could follow me also @



  3. I'm so sorry you've been so ill :( I will be praying for your health this week specifically. Love you and so proud of your workout plan! I've also decided to start doing an exercise DVD I own from years ago - gotta get in shape for the summer! :)

    Love you!
