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Friday 9 March 2012

I'm in Love with Fashion, Friday

Well it's that day again.
That day where I drool over favorite clothing finds.
Looking at these, I love being a girl.
Something so beautiful about good-looking modest outfits.
Here's the LinkUp:

Here's what I'm loving this week.
 So wanting to wear dresses again. (Minus the leggings underneath anyway)
 Black & White is one of my favorites. Classic and elegant. Yup.
Add some pinwheels like that and I'm stoked.
Beach hair & floppy sunhats. Yup!
Swooning over sundresses in general. 
Can't wait to break out the ones I bought on sale the end of last summer.
 Modest formal dresses and cute heels. Its almost wedding season.

Red shoes. YES!
Never would have put those colors together but loving the outcome.
I prob have the things to do this in the summer. Yay. 
So need to try this hairstyle. 
Have a great weekend.
Much Love,

Please vote on the poll on the left side bar about future Link-Ups on All Glorious Within.

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  1. Love that first dress- black and white is always classic :)

  2. i love that bun hairstyle -so pretty! :)
