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Saturday 10 March 2012

11 Things About L.

Sweet Lauren over at My Happy Thought tagged me in this fun post so I thought I would spend Saturday revealing facts about me....

So here are 11 things about me, followed by the 11 questions Lauren asked.
I'll then post 11 new ones for the bloggers I tag to answer. 
(You can still participate even if you are not tagged)

11 Things About L:
1. I have a british passport but am a greencard holder.
2. I can only wink with one eye, if I try with the other I look like a weird pirate. This is usually followed by A rolling around on the floor laughing at me.
3. I made pancakes for breakfast this morning as both A & I had the day off =)
4. I am currently doing the Jillian Michaels 6-week sixpack....hoping to be in better shape by the summer anyway.
5. I used to work as a midwife, so I love reading about people's pregnancy and birthing experiences.
6. Someday I would like to own a golden labrador...or a black lab (i'm not sure)
7. In high school I would wake up to head to the beach on a saturday morning with friends and watch the sunrise.
8. My birthday is in May. This year will be the first one I will be with A since my 19th.
9. I feel like I have 9 children sometimes. (nanny)
10. I get super excited when one of the kids hits a milestone, like when S started walking. I was SO excited I couldn't stop talking about it for days.
11. I have new Etsy products coming soon & plan to redo some of my blog design this weekend. (will see if it happens)

The Questions From Lauren:
1. Who is your favorite Disney Character and why? This is a tough one....I LOVE disney (thats an understatement)...I'll go with Ariel, she's the first Disney princess I remember watching when I was little.
2. What would you try to accomplish if you knew you could not fail? I would work from home making money off my Etsy store & blog. I would write a book. I would run a photography business. Oops that was more than one.
3. What is the best thing you have ever eaten? {At least in the last week}Chocolate cake....I didn't eat it in the last week but I always love it, hardly ever eat it as am trying to get in shape.
4. What is your guilty pleasure? Crafting and blogging? =)
5. What is the one question you hope I dont ask? Tell me a secret about yourself......
6. What is the answer to that question? {Haha!} Well then it wouldn't be a secret ;)
7. Who would win in a fight? A}Jason Borne from The Borne Series. B} James Bond (Daniel Craig) or C} Ethan Hunt from Mission Impossible? Ethan Hunt (random guess)
8. What book or story could you read over and over again and not get tired of? Most of Karen Kingsbury's books.
9. If you could have any kind of animal as a pet, what would you choose? Maybe a dolphin (I would also have to live somewhere like Hawaii so works for me) =)
10.What was the last dream you had? {That you can remember?} Last night I lived in a random hotel, but tried to imagine the suite was larger in the middle of the dream by blinking my eyes and trying it make it happen. Then I went to a baseball game where I was so high up all I could see was people's heads. (I have really random dreams)
11. Would you rather... Never have to clean dishes again or never have to do laundry again, which would you choose? Definitely dishes, I find laundry therapeutic....although I don't like folding it and putting it away too much.
1. Erin from Sweetness Itself
2. Chelsea from Happy Bow Lucky
3. Katelyn from Inner Vision
4. Lisa from Mommas Me Time
5. Jaimie from Living In The Light

11 Questions For You Guys:
1. What is your favorite season?
2. What do you do to keep from feeling down in the Winter? 
3. If you could do anything, what would it be and why? 
4. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why? 
5. What is something big happening in your life right now?
6. What wedding colors combinations did you have at your wedding or what would you like to have?
7. What is something you would like to see me write about on my blog?
8. What is your favorite book & why?
9.  Who is your favorite Disney Character and why? (Borrowed shamelessly from Lauren)
10. What has the Lord been teaching you recently?

Thanks Lauren, this was fun.
Much Love,

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1 comment:

  1. I used to be a nanny too! Very cool. Oh, and I am not good at winking either...I probably look like there is something in my eye instead of a cute wink. hehe.
