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Thursday 12 July 2012

Learning how to Love others....not close ourselves off to one another.

She asked me if I had a minute, as I sat outside on a balcony during a humid evening on our trip. I think I was probably journalling at the time. She took a seat next to me and I set down my journal ready to listen to her.
'I just wanted to let you know that I admire you. You are the person I wish I was. You have made some good decisions in your life and I wish I had done the same.'
I then started to explain to her 'Oh girl, if only you knew half of the sin in my life and junk that is going on through my mind about so many things...'
'Just stop!' she replied. 'I don't want us to be close. I just wanted you to know I admire you.'
There wasn't much left for me to say except thank her for her honesty.
She looked relieved and walked away leaving me confused.

I don't understand how some people are able to sit and bond with you while others seem to keep you at arm's length. I have tried to figure out similarities between people who are open & those who aren't. But I can't really find any.
I'm puzzled by how sometimes a person will form an opinion about you but not want to get to know you better. Even if they tell you they admire you.

I guess sometimes I just need to be giving people grace. Grace to be where they are at on their journey and in their walk with the Lord. Grace where there is still room for growth.
There are going to be times when we encounter people who are further ahead than us and wiser in some areas of life. Sometimes they will be the ones who are behind and need encouragement. 

I'm beginning to understand how precious an opportunity it is to learn from those who are further ahead than us, rather than be frustrated or turned away by how wise they are. As well as how we need to be encouragement to those who are further behind, they need those words to hear how rewarding that path ahead is when we work through sin and other issues.
There is so much to be learnt from someone further ahead, learning from their wisdom and past mistakes....hearing what they would have done differently. Get to know them, for its likely they will encourage you with their stories and thoughts.
That's my experience anyway.

What I never want to do friends, is close myself off from others. Especially those who are wise and full of insight with trials I am going through.

Sometimes it is particularly nice to have friends who are side by side with you at a stage in life. They are easy to relate to, they totally understand where you are at and its likely that you mutually move back and forth between being the encourager and being the recipient. I am praying that I don't seek this kind of friendship over any of the others though just because it is easier.
Honestly it is easier to be moving in and out of those roles, but its no more valuable than befriending someone younger to encourage or someone older who is wise.

Don't be discouraged with where God has you friends and don't close yourself off from learning from others. I am fully convinced that there is something to be learnt from everyone, even if its how not to be or act. Even if they are in completely different life situations also.
People can totally be from different walks of life and be able to learn from one another and encourage one another.
Several of my best friends are living proof of that. One of them has grown up and spent her whole life in the United States. The other is Indian by culture but lived her whole life in the Middle East.
While I myself am a British-born girl who spent her childhood in continental Europe and her teenage years with the camels (just kidding it was the middle east though).
I am the only one of the three of us who is married. But I tell you though the ways these two friends encourage me and inspire me to love the Lord is incredible. God has graciously brought all three of us through similar situations. Things we would not have known without daring to be close to one another.

Some friendships definitely take more work than others. We are all so different and sometimes those personalities can clash a little as well. But often the fruit from that labour is sweeter. For in battling the harder things, you may just grow more and learn how to really love others.

So friends, let us not give up learning from each other or write another person off based on age, influence, culture or place in our walk with the Lord.

I am working on becoming a dispenser of Grace (although I'm not very good at it) and seeking to learn from others, even those people I find hard to love at times.

Anyone want to join me?

Much Love,

"To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable." 

{Pictures taken at the Getty Center in LA, not related to the story at the beginning}

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  1. I definitely need to work on being more graceful and patient with others. Thanks for posting!

  2. This is SO good, dear L! I know what you mean about sometimes feeling tempted to stick just with those "easy" friends, who are at a similar stage in life as myself, and who I encourage and who encourage me. I have a few friends like that.

    But I also know and love people who are both older and younger than I. This has almost always been the case...I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm homeschooled. :) Especially now that I'm into blogging, I'm being "mentored" and encouraged by others who are in very different life situations than I am. I know that I myself am able to encourage people both younger and older than myself.

    I think that's such an important thing. God didn't put us in this world to be in isolation. He calls us to be a blessing to ALL those around us, not just those our own age.

    And you, my dear, are definitely a "dispenser of grace," by HIS grace. :) We're certainly not perfect at that--we never will be--but God uses us anyway. :)

  3. Hi there! I just found your blog, and I have to say, it's adorable:) I'd love it if we followed each other!

    Shelby xoxo

  4. Same here! I make to many judgments on people based on their actions, but the truth is God showed me so much grace it would be foolish of me not to do the same. Thank you for your encouragement.

  5. This is a really wonderful post. The photos with it are so appropriate. Thanks for making me smile today!

  6. I find it difficult to open up to people at times. I'm thankful for the blogging world, where I feel I can share things more easily. Though I realize, sharing in person is an area I need to work on.

  7. I love this! so very true & so many of us (including myself) judge each other & never give people a chance. God sends people into our lives for a reason , to teach of something. He has a bigger plan for us than we have for ourselves!

    Happy Friday!

  8. Love this! I read the book Changes that Heal awhile back and it really challenged my view of relationships and not having to one up, one down. I have grown in being able to be teachable and not making a pecking order but I still need to learn that sometimes people want to learn from me in a non-best friend type of way. I just had a non-healthy view for so long of both extremes that it is tough finding the balance.

  9. I'm in! I want to dispense more grace to others also! Wise words you have written. I found you on Big Family Friday. I'm following you and hope you will visit my blog and follow me back!

  10. What a truly beautiful post...what a beautiful heart you have. Thank you for this post!! I also loved all of the photo - so precious :)

    Thanks for linking up to Thankful Thursday with me at First Day of My Life!! :)
    Happy weekend! ox

  11. Thanks for sharing L.! I totally understand the urge to shut myself off to others. This has been a real encouragement to step outside myself and pour out grace instead. What a blessing your writing is!

    Kate via (Feel free to stop by!)

  12. I think genuine friendships were one of the best ways I prepared for my marriage. Thanks for linking up with GraceLaced! It's always lovely to have you!!

  13. Thanks for linking up this post. I agree with you. I am the type of person that wants to give everyone a chance. I want to hear them out and want to learn from them no matter what the age and what walks of life they come from.

  14. I have been trying to learn this for many to be a "dispenser of grace" and like you I have to admit I'm still not very good at it. But I am thankful that God has not given up on teaching me.

    P.S. Glad I found you through OYHT! I'm a new follower. Glad to meet you. :)

  15. I have to tell you, if anyone ever sat down next to me and said they admired me, but didn't want to be close to me...I'd probably laugh myself silly. How do you truly know you admire someone and want to be like them if you don't know who they are? What you're saying then is that you truly admire your perception of them. LOL

    I am absolutely sure, though, that you are a person to be admired. :) Thanks so much for sharing this!

  16. love love love this so much. i think i have a tendency to 'write people off' in a way just because i don't think we have a lot in common. when really, Jesus made relationships with everyone. thanks for this love!

  17. loving your blog more and more with each read. I was just talking to my husband the other night about old friends and new friends, and the want to build those new relationships up to the same comfort and familiarity of the old ones. He let me talk, and then I answered myself in realizing that friendships take work. They take inconvenience, sometimes- they require cultivation. I want my new friendships to grow like a beautiful garden, but just want t hem to happen. The happening depends on me. I am thankful for your insight into the beauty of friendships and the differing "personalities" each friendship can take- it does not lessen one or the other.
