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Thursday 26 July 2012

Making Starbucks Iced Vanilla Lattes.

Thanks to several bloggy friends, who shall remain nameless *cough*, 
I have a constant craving for Starbucks lattes.

Now if your financial situation is anything like mine, 
you don't have enough money to buy a $4 drink every time you crave coffee.

So I decided to figure out how to make it at home. 
Feel free to copy this and tweak it however you like.
(add sugar, flavoring, etc.)
I kept it pretty simple as my taste buds aren't set on a specific way I like lattes.

So here goes....

You will need:
- Starbucks cup (I just ask for a large iced water when I order, then bring it home)
- Instant vanilla flavored coffee (Target sells these for like $6)
- Milk
- Ice Cubes

1. First add the coffee to your cup.

For a large, add the whole sachet. 
For a small, add half the sachet (and save the rest for next time, of course).

2. Add milk up to the top line on your Starbucks cup.
(Not the black line but where the plastic dents at the top).  

3. Using the straw, stir the coffee into the milk.

4. Add ice to your coffee.

5. You are ready to enjoy your Starbucks drink, in the comfort of your home for about 1/4 the price of ordering at the store.
That should make you smile!!

Much Love,

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  1. I've done this but just with plain brewed coffee! Sometimes there's some left over after breakfast, so I put it in a container in the fridge to stay fresh. Then I add milk, ice, and brown sugar (sweetens it plus adds a lovely flavor)--and you could put in a few drops of vanilla extract, too.

    Easy AND yummy AND cheap!

  2. This is one of the times where I wish I liked coffee... just for an icy treat! :)

    Also, I've popped your button in my sidebar - just sharing the love around! :D I'll send you an email as well, but I'd love to swap with you! You'll find my button in my sidebar too!

    Thanks lovely girl!

  3. I may have to try this... I used to work at Sbux and had a difficult time paying for drinks that I used to get for free! lol

  4. love this and totally trying this! especially since I'll be living 10 miles away from the closest Starbucks (opposed to a mile away! ha) thanks for sharing the idea! p.s. - sometimes, homemade coffee is better than the $4.00 stuff.

  5. AMAZING!! This is so much better than the pricey drinks we love ;)

  6. i'm going to need to try this!

    & you may have left us nameless but WE ALL KNOW by several bloggy friends you mean ERIN AND ME.

  7. & that's fine; I know I'm perfectly comfortable being blamed for your iced coffee addiction. :D
