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Wednesday 25 July 2012

The Girl Behind The Blog - Begin Accomplish or Change

In all the mess of packing, I thought I would take a break and be a part of the wonderful community over at 5ohwifey and Trial By Sapphire
Here is my linkup to this month's Girl Behind the Blog.

The Girl Behind The Blog- Begin, Accomplish, or Change
Time limit: Vlogs should be 2-3 minutes long
Introduce yourself and your blog
What is one thing you are hoping to Begin, Accomplish, or Change?
Why is this goal important to you?
What are your plans to achieve this goal?

Head over now & check out the other vlogs, ladies!

Much Love,


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  1. Oh my word. Are we alike or what?! haha, I'm working on some of the very same things. I loved your vlog :)

  2. I just love your heart! I need to really work on my thought life as well. Good luck on the move friend :-)

  3. I love this change. I've been working on something similar over the past year, or I guess I should say the Holy Spirit has been working on me. But I have always struggled with judging and recently God has just changed my heart so radically in that area. But I love the idea of also being encouraging and edifying to others. Thanks for the encouragement!!

  4. You are just to sweet!

    I absolutely loved your blog post last week on "cultivating a quiet spirit".

    This vlog encouraged me and you encouraged me. Thank you for sharing your heart...because through doing so you spurred me on to seek to do the same in my own life. I want to have God's heart for those that might rub me the wrong way even in my thought life.

    Happy Wednesday, girl!

  5. Aw you are so sweet! It's great to see you on video. I love that you are working on this. It is something I have been trying to work on too and I've been praying a lot about. I pray for the Lord to pure my heart and allow me to see people in the same light as he does.
    I hope your move goes smoothly!

  6. Yes! Love that you're seeking to live out Ephesians 4:29.

  7. Great video! What you said speaks volumes to me. I had a hard time with this recently and through a LOT of prayer, I'm getting better. :) I will pray for you as well!
