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Monday 19 November 2012


You know those times in life when we feel things just aren't going the way we want.
We feel left out of friendship circles,
we don't have the romantic relationship we desire and God seems silent.
We enter into this constant battle once again.
The battle of loneliness.

It plagues every single one of us.
From our single days when we are waiting on God to bring us that romantic relationship we are looking for.
The days of long distance relationships, where we miss that significant other so much it hurts.
The days of engagement where we feel as though our wedding day can't come fast enough
because then we won't have to do life alone anymore.
To the early days of marriage when life has completely changed,
the honeymoon is over and hubby goes back to work.
The days of being a mommy to small children,
where even though there is perhaps never quiet. It can still be oh so ever lonely.
Or even those days when our children grow up and leave the nest, the loneliness of an empty house.
It affects us all. Wherever we find ourselves. 

I definitely didn't set out this morning to share these thoughts, but as I was reading my devotional this morning, the Lord laid this topic on my heart.
No matter where we find ourselves, we battle loneliness.
It doesn't go away as our life circumstances change.
But God can really use these times of loneliness if we let Him.

Jesus often went away to seek His father.
To spend time alone with Him, being refreshed and ready to do what His father asked of Him (see Luke 5).
When we're alone with God, we hear His voice more clearly.
Moments of loneliness may in fact not be a bad thing.
They could be gifts from the Lord,
times when we are able to get away from the distractions of the world and seek him without hindrances.

'Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.'
{1 Peter 4:10-11}

Even when we are lonely, God calls us to serve others.
Everyday we encounter people who are hurting and need to hear of the Lord's love for them.
By serving others we even take our eyes of our own situation and instead focus on others. 
The best way to battle loneliness, serving. 

But its also important to remember that no matter where we find ourselves in life friends! Whether we have broken dreams or feel we don't have anyone to turn to in life. We have Him, who promises to meet all our emotional and social needs. He is dependable and will do exactly as He promises!
So as we change our attitude from looking inward and feeling sorry for ourselves, to being grateful we have time to spend with God and looking to reach out to others in need.....there we find the way to battle loneliness.

And honestly, I'm beginning to think life is all about those little moments where we struggle and grow. Not about the moments which we always long for.

{Image from google, edited by me}

I'm clinging to this beautiful truth today friends, would you like to join me? 

Much Love,

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  1. Love that you wrote this today, love the confirmation for me. I discovered you at Miscellany Monday and just today I wrote about being grateful for the, er, crap...that gives us context for our blessings. I can appreciate where you are, and pray God's richest blessings upon you.
    Peace and good.

  2. LOVE this LOVE this LOVE this!
    It is so so true.
    Life is definitely the messy parts.
    This was such an encouraging post! Thank you for sharing what God put on your heart!

  3. Nice post. Life is indeed the messy parts and loneliness is part of life. I think we fill those empty moments with distractions, when it is an opportunity to be with the Lord. I know that is what I do and I know the Lord is calling me and letting me know He wants me to sit at his feet and rest in Him.

  4. this really touched me, L. as you read, i think on my blog. i am going through on of those quiet lonely seasons. part of me wants to hold back because of it, but the other part of me wonders if i open myself up to God in these moments, he will give me his thoughts and his words to speak into others...all i can do is be still and just know he is God..and listen... love this and you!

  5. Beautiful post!
    "And honestly, I'm beginning to think life is all about those little moments where we struggle and grow. Not about the moments which we always long for."
    As I get older I am learning to really appreciate 'growing' seasons of life. It is in those seasons that my spirit is refined and my character is strengthened.
    Glad to have found you through Apples of Gold
    Looking forward to following along :)

    Brandy Jane Mabel

  6. wonderful post---great reminder!

    sandy toe

  7. Such truth! I think your words could apply to our discontentment, complaining, and self-pity as well. We need to take our eyes off ourselves and learn to be content each day as God gives them to us. Thanks for the reminder! :)

  8. Great post! You're right, we all feel lonely. We can even feel lonely in a crowded room. I like your thoughts on it, about serving and drawing near to God in lonely times.

  9. Thank you for writing that. That's exactly what I needed to read. I've been feeling really alone lately and it is so hard to feel like it's you against the world. I feel like you really nailed how I felt and what I needed with this post.
