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Friday 16 November 2012

10 Things I'm Thankful For.

1) Little kids who started saying 'Oh No!' to random toys over the weekend. Its quite possibly
the cutest thing I have ever heard. Melts.My.Heart.

2) Dance Parties to songs like this.

3) Wars in our house between Disney princesses and army men. Extremely funny.

4) Snuggling with the last of the kiddos who is no longer a baby. But still likes to be held from time to time. Totally understand how moms feel when their little one is no longer little =)

5) This awesome workout which I can just about manage to fit in every morning. I can feel it in my abs anyway. So here's my new springboard to working out every day.

6) Randy Alcorn's book Heaven and the information it gives about what heaven will be like.
I have learnt so much for this book in the last two weeks as we have been going through it as
a Bible study group.

7) Laughing till crying over a story which appeared in this amazing book. She cracks me up with her stories and has me crying over the pain their family had to walk through.


8) Thinking of Erin from SweetnessItself when I saw the expiration date on my milk ;)
I thought this was kinda fun and probably sounds really weird haha!

9) Bowling with the hubby and kiddos I watch over the weekend. So fun.
We even had superhero names, although I decided to go by pink pony, perhaps insecure by being
the only girl present.

10) Wonderful scripture verses to meditate on during the week.

What are you guys thankful for this week? 
 Much Love, 

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  1. Thankful for the truths of God's Word, for the fact that He never changes, and that He wants what is best for us! Thankful for my family. My boyfriend. And life and health. God is good! :)

  2. I love this post! The simplicity of all you are thankful for is beautiful! We are so blessed!
    Alesha <3

  3. haha I love bowling- looks like so much fun!
    and that's a great scripture :)

  4. So fun :) Awwww I love that you thought of me when you saw the milk date - you are just the sweetest friend. Sent you an email :) Love you!

  5. i love that you are thankful for your work out =) i would be too. haha...
    seriously, its awesome to find goodness in the small things and the big things God gives us..
    time, love, relaxation, rest, peace...
    you should link this up with my BLESSED link up this week ;)

  6. I enjoyed your list and my visit here! What a lovely place this is, thank you for sharing. :) I read the Leslie Ludy article you link to on another post. Much food for thought there, thanks for the link.
