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Monday 5 November 2012

Contentment & Purity.


Isn't it funny how difficult the concept is behind this one word. As I sit at my desk this evening the idea of it weighs heavy on my heart. It’s cold outside, colder than perhaps it should be this time of year and the heat is blowing through the vent rustling my papers. I dislike the cold, I would prefer it was summer and I was feeling energized from all the outdoor activities that come from the summer season.
And this word is heavy on my heart tonight.


Perhaps it’s because just when we think we grasp the idea of it, something comes and knocks us down in life and once again we feel like we are aiming for it.
While talking with several friends this week, this topic came up. In totally unrelated life situations this topic came up time again. Because really, all of us battling with it in some form or another.
There are things that make each of us discontent with where life has us.

I don’t what that is personally for you. What makes you discontent with where you are.
Maybe you are single and waiting for God to write your love story still, or married waiting for a baby, having health issues or even struggling financially. Waiting for God to answer a question you have. All of us have this feeling of being discontent with where God has us at some time or another. Discontent with the season life is currently in. With the waiting.

The hubby and I were talking in the car about this topic on the way home from our date night. As we talked about purity and the significance it has on our entire lives, he wisely pointed out that since purity is about so much more than just sexual purity, contentment plays a role. Purity is about the way we live life, living in light of God’s amazing love. He mentioned how by being discontent we could actually be living impurely. We are being ungrateful for what God has chosen us for in this season. We are choosing to not live in light of His love but question His goodness and perfect plans for us. Purity is so much more than just about sex or keeping ourselves physically pure before marriage. It affects us in every stage of life, in every relationship situation.

For whatever reason, that situation we are holding onto for our contentment, we believe will make us happy. There is a part of us that really thinks if we just had that one thing, everything would be ok. That if God gave it to us, we could fully trust Him with the rest.
Often the thing we most want is withheld.
God in all His wisdom, does not do this to be mean....I don’t believe that for a second. But He knows what we really need in this season. What will grow us and shape us into the women we were created to be to accomplish His work here.

A lot of people have said to me of course you say this, you’re married. You don’t have to struggle any longer with feeling lonely and discontent in your relationship. I will be brave here and tell you from my experience, that’s incorrect.
Getting married just shifts the discontentment from a desired relationship onto something else. Learning to be content with where God has us is something to be grasped regardless of where we are in life. It’s an ongoing lesson often for me.

Contentment is choosing to trust God for our joy.
To turn to him to fill us.
Regardless of our relationship situation.
Or the circumstances around us.

When single, I desperately wanted a relationship and to be engaged. Then once I was engaged, I noticed that instead of feeling content, I wanted to just be married already.
I began to see the ongoing pattern.
Once married, I would probably want a baby, then a house and well it never ends.
There will always be things that we desire or think will make us content in life.
But I don’t think it’s true.
We already have all we need.
We have to choose contentment. Regardless of our circumstances.

'Not that I speak from want; for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.'
Philippians 4:11-12

How do you guys find contentment?

Much Love,

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  1. This was beautifully written, such true words. I find contentment in the acceptance that God is God...and I'm not. There is such peace in just trusting that he is good and he is in control.

  2. what a wonderful post! you are so right about contentment we need to be ok with what God has given us now because He doesn't automatically give us tomorrow. We need to be thankful for what He has given us today. I definitely know the feeling of being single and wanting to be engaged and then being engaged and just wanting to be married already. great blog from a sister in Chris

  3. Ah yes. "We are being ungrateful for what God has chosen us for in this season."

    That sentence struck a chord... Insightful post. Thank you.

  4. Thank you for writing this post :) I found you over at Manic Mondays blog hop. Tara (The Proverbs 31 Sanctuary)

  5. this is such a good post! I never thought of contentment and purity together before, but that is a really good point!

    I have been thinking about contentment a lot lately, (mainly because it has been a struggle for me of late!) so this was a great encouragement to me as I try to become more content with our stage of life

    and it doesn't end with marriage or kids! I'm happily married, and we have 2 beautiful kids, but I'm wanting to live in a house now instead of an apartment. It's as you said. ALWAYS something.

    thanks for writing this.

  6. Amen! Why is it, we are never just quite happy when we look for fulfillment outside of Christ?

  7. Beautiful post! So true that there always seems to be that next thing to long for unless we cast our gaze on the Savior and place our fulfillment in Him. Well said!

  8. You are very wise for being so young. I found you over at the Homemaking Link-Up. I am going to forward your site to my 2 daughters. My post is In Hope of Guests:

  9. You put this so well. Yes, it is so true that marraige is wonderful, but that doesn't mean you will be perfectly happy and content. I loved how you put this and all your encouraging words. <3
    Alesha <3

  10. Sometimes marriage can be the loneliest place, because you feel like you can't even talk about it. Because people think we shouldn't feel that way anymore.

  11. I agree that contentment is a struggle in any season of life. Thank you for sharing this with the Thrive @ Home community. I always enjoy reading your posts!

  12. Beautifully true. Before God showed me and Zack His intention for us to be married one day - I was constantly looking for my "future husband" and trying to figure it out on my own. Once I had the guy, I was constantly thinking, "when will I finally be married?" Once we were married - well, great joy. But even now - even with our son on the way - I don't feel content. I'm so happier than I was a few years ago - and yet, so not content.

    Why does no one buy my book? Why don't we live in a house instead of an apartment? Where IS that second vehicle we need (or, feel like we need, at least... I feel like we need) so badly? I mean, the list goes on and on and on - and we get all these things that we want in time, both in the natural and in the spiritual - but it still feels like my life is moving forward so much slower than time is passing.

    And yet - when we had no couch, no internet, not even a microwave - it was just us and God (in a small, mostly empty apartment)... at the beginning of our marriage, it was like the happiest time of our lives.

    Now we seem to have more stuff than our home can handle (at least, it feels really cluttered) and I mean, I'm starting to live all these different dreams that I longed for for so long in my life... I'm about to be parent!

    Yet, I don't feel content. How absurd! God's constantly blessing me even when I don't deserve it (which is sooo often) - and I'm still whining!

    Yeah - conviction. Repentance. It makes me think of Luke 12... and also the verses (I can't remember where they are) about how all our works are tried in fire, and only those that last will be rewarded. How can we get so distracted from the simplicity of living the Gospel?

  13. I LOVE this post, and I completely agree. As someone who is single, it's so easy to think that once I meet my husband, life will be wonderful. I have to constantly remind myself that there will always be struggles, they just may appear in different ways over time. I am learning to fill myself with God, and I think it's something I need to work on every single day.

    Love the encouragement from this post :)
