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Thursday 1 November 2012

Girl Behind The Blog: Show and Tell


It's that time again, time to link up with Ashley and Erin for another awesome
video linkup. Yes, complete with the stress of filming another video.
Although they seem to be getting easier, maybe. 

I apologize for the bad angle of my camera. My computer decided long ago that the webcam was not going to cooperate for making these, so I use my little canon camera.
Means I can video from anywhere so the scenery changes, yay!!
But means its often balanced in weird places, hence the bad angle....booo!!

Anyway without much delay, here was the prompt & the video:

The Girl Behind The Blog- Show and Tell
Time limit: Vlogs should be 2-3 minutes long
Introduce yourself and your blog
Share with the rest of us: 
What are 3 items you couldn't get through the day without?

Much Love,

Pin It!


  1. You have the coolest accent.
    And I do believe that is my favourite thing about this link-up. :)

    Hehe, but I understand the going-outside thing - I HAVE to even, just, like, jog around the house or something. Or take 15 minutes to check the mail... just get some sunshine. :) It's good stuff!

  2. I love that you love these linkups. And i LOVE that you said your toothbrush haha so funny. Glad you linked up as always xoxo

  3. Love you, girl! :)

    (and I loved, loved, loved, that you included your toothbrush. that is totally me!)

  4. I love that you included your toothbrush - that is definitely a daily needed item! ;) Love your heart and adore that necklace!!

  5. you are adorable! I totally get the going outside thing, too. I always feel better after getting some fresh air.

  6. I definitely needed my toothbrush too. ;)

    I will have to look into that pure devotional. If you love it, I am sure I would love it too! My favorite of all time devotional is Streams in the Desert! Love it!

    You have such an infectious smile. I am smiling watching your vlog!
