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Wednesday 28 November 2012

Girl Behind the Blog: This One Time...

(I apologize for the lack of Tunes & Pearls Post today!)

The Girl Behind The Blog-This One Time..
Time limit: Vlogs should be 2-3 minutes long
Introduce yourself and your blog
Tell us a funny or embarrassing story about yourself


I love that Ashley and Julie decided to host this!
They are both such gems!! I love them so much! =)
So thankful they are both real life friends now =)

Photo Credit: 5ohwifey (left) and From Awkward to Art (right)

Just in case you wanted the link to another awkward story on Julie's blog its here.
Oh and there was this one time I was at a blogging conference and got into an elevator with 10 hockey players.....yeah good times ;)
Oh and the time I spent several minutes talking at my computer to video this and the sound wasn't on.
Lots of embarrassing stories I could share.
But I decided on this one.
(Yeah points for awesomeness with this thumbnail!!!)

How about you linkup and share your embarrassing story? 
I totally want to hear it =)

Much Love,

Pin It!


  1. Literally laughing out loud. That is classic! haha :) And A just being like, 'oh yeah. spider. cool." hahahahaha
    Much love,

  2. haha! hilarious that you were freaking out over a dead spider.. I love you!!

  3. Yikes! I hate spiders!


    Check mine out if you get a chance ;)

  4. This was great! I've totally done that too, although I didn't have anyone to come to my rescue :p


  5. Ahh!! Hahah! You are too funny! Love the way you tell stories!!
    So glad I saw this! So awesome! =)

  6. aaaah! I'd be screaming too!!
    Glad nobody got hurt though :)
    love you girl!

  7. Hi L -- it took me 3 times to get my vlog working too! Glad I'm not alone!

    Enjoyed listening to your embarrassing story --Eek!

  8. I can relate, but spiders don't bother me . . . CRICKETS DO. There was the Summer of Crickets or something like that down here in Dallas, I think it was summer of like 1997 or 1998. Anyway, they were EVERYWHERE, and at night, they would fly around the lights. I was so scared to get out of my car and walk ANYWHERE in a parking lot, gas station . . . and I was in marching band at the time, and one place we went to was so bad, it *smelled* like crickets. UGH. But for some reason, spiders don't bother me. Weird. :)

    Nice to meet you!

    Gayle from

  9. The shower is the worst place to discover a spider! =P Yuck. =) And are adorable! =) Love your earrings.
    Alesha <3

  10. Ohmygosh spider... no just no no no! You are so funny at telling stories. Glad you linked up sweet friend
