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Monday 12 November 2012

The Kite Project.

This evening I have the wonderful privilege of sharing something exciting with you guys.
The Lord has promised us that He has plans for our future.
Perfect plans. (Jeremiah 29:11-12)
This is so reassuring when we find ourselves demotivated and unsure of where life is headed.

After all, we all have dreams which we want to chase.
I'm talking about God-given dreams.
Dreams about furthering His kingdom, things which we feel convicted to do.
Things in line with God's word.
It's how I started this blog in the first place.
I felt the Lord's leading and acted on it as I felt Him speak.

'For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, 
which God prepared in advance for us to do.'
{Ephesians 2:10}

Each of us is equipped with specific talents and gifts in order to achieve God's will here on earth.
The more we desire God, the more we seek Him.
As we seek Him, we find Him and come to know Him (Jeremiah 29:13).
As we do so, we learn His will for all of us. The more we know Him and fall in love with Him,
the more we want what He wants here on earth.
When in this particular place, suddenly our dreams can be ways of doing the Lord's
work on earth instead of us just chasing silly things we want.
We become consumed with His plans for us and not our own.

We begin to dream about things to bring the Lord glory.
Often those dreams are scary.
But what if we could chase them together in community?
I will turn over to Rachael from Chasing Kite Tails to share the rest.

Much Love,


November 12, 2012

When I was 13, God stomped flat the only dream that I had.
It was summer and I was an ex-pageant girl, celebrity-wannabe carrying around a two-week old diagnosed, rare disease.
"Rheumatic Fever," he said. And then, "No," I said.
No to my doctor. No to myself. No to God. No to this disease that had stolen my voice, stolen everything that I was and ever wanted to be. this disease. This disease that would change my the most beautifully crazy and redeeming of ways...
We all have stories of dreams that went dead...plans that fell flat. Hope, suckerpunched from right out of our very hands.
You would be lying, if you told me you didn't. And I'd be lying to believe you.
You see, there's this crazy thought that we give into, a lie, I'd like to call it, really. And it's a thought that taunts and even torments the most of us. It's a thought, a loud thought that says, "I cannot chase God and chase my dreams at the same time." A lie, that says you must pick one, or the other.
For a long time, I lived in this lie. I listened to this lie. That, if I was chasing my dreams, I was forsaking God. Never once, never once did I consider. That maybe, just maybe.
Dreams weren't put in our hearts to push us away from God, but to pull us towards Him.
At 13, I was convinced that God took his elephant-sized foot to my dream so that He could hoard and keep me to Himself. Not once, did I think that He was actually setting me up for the Chase of my life.
My dear friends, where do you find yourself today?
Whether you're holding broken dreams in your heart, or unspoken dreams in your head, it is important that you know that they are there for a reason. Your dream might be there to teach you something or maybe it is in fact there for you to reach.
Whatever the case may be, it will always be a kite worth chasing after.
Click here to learn about how you can join The Kite Project and chase your dream.


So consider joining us:
January 2, 2013 – February 27, 2013

Lets chase our God-given dreams together! To bring Him glory! 

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  1. this is awesome. thanks for sharing friend. I'm so interested!

    1. Brittany, I am so glad you've joined us. I cannot WAIT to get to know you :) SOON!!!

  2. I just joined! Super stoked :)

    1. Kiana! Welcome! I'm so glad you signed up for The Kite Project. I am so looking forward to getting to know you more! :)

  3. I kind of enjoy when things don't go according to plan. I enjoy pulling myself out of it and making another plan and watchign everything turn our ok. It gives me faith. Thanks for sharing this

    I'm holding a giveaway over at my blog

  4. I'm super intrigued! Tired of fear holding me back.

