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Monday 26 November 2012

The Influence Sashes Market & FashionABLE.

During the Influence Conference, there was a beautiful market of homemade items for sale by several of the highly skilled ladies attending the conference.
It was amazing! Seriously some of these women are SO talented.
While most of it is probably not in my normal budget for personal buying, it was fun to browse and 
see all the beautiful things. 
A lot of these would even make special gifts for people. 

The item which particularly caught my attention was one which was highly recommended to us during lunch one day.
The story behind these scarves are incredible!!! (Watch the video below from them to hear more.)

The idea behind the organisation (taken from website):

'Your purchase of a fashionABLE scarf creates sustainable business for women in Africa.  
Our commitment as a non-profit is to the development of people — fashionABLE works with women who have been exploited due to the effects of poverty.  
So, when you purchase a scarf you are providing jobs, and then we send the net profits back to holistically rehabilitate more women. This is the beauty of non-profit….
Scarves provide jobs, profits provide restoration.'

What a great thing to support right, well you even get to purchase these beautiful scarves in order to do so!!! AMAZING!!! I probably would have just done a donation right?
The neat part as well is that each scarf comes with a handwritten note from the lady who made it.

Definitely something worth supporting right??

One more thing......

(Click above picture to head to their site)

That's right!!!
Order before midnight tonight and get free shipping!!!
Totally a gift for someone you know!

Much Love,


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1 comment:

  1. These are such gorgeous scarves! I have a scarf that I bought from a friend when she was raising money for a trip to Madagascar... I think it's more special because it has such a story!
