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Friday 2 November 2012

10 Things I'm Thankful For.

When Lisa from Momma's Me Time mentioned the new idea for a new post series called 10 Things I'm Loving, I knew I wanted to get on board. 
This series 31 days of Thankfulness has come to an end. See all the posts HERE.
I want to make sure this attitude continues after the series hits the archives and dust starts to gather.
The changes in the way I see each day now is remarkable. I may even continue to write about the idea behind the series with the posts.
It's as though I can finally see all the gifts the Lord gives, or a lot more of them anyway. 

So this week's 10 things:

1. Crockpot meals which help make a day productive.

2. Pretty paper to make beads from.

3. Wise words from a dear friend HERE.

4. Minion costumes from thrift store finds. (As in the guys from Despicable Me. See video if still not sure what in the world this is haha.)

5. Cute kids to be 'aunt'/'uncle' to.

6. Playing 'school' with Littlest Pet Shop with kiddos. The preschool class always cries for their mommy lol.

7. Designing cat costumes for the 'little black cat.' Also known as a kiddo.

8. Baked butternut squash looking shiny in the pan ready for dinner.

9. This encouraging scripture verse:


10. Amazing books to read, like these ones.

What are you guys loving or thankful for this week?

Much Love,

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  1. Beautiful :) Love the books, crockpot meals, everything.

  2. Hey there!

    Oh I love me some crock pot meals, actually having one tonight! And that costume is amazing, seriously. Anyway, I'm following you back. Can't wait to read more :)

  3. Love your attitude of gratefulness :)

  4. Great list! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Stopping by from WILW link up...I love crock pot meals!! So far this week my husband and I have had roast and chicken & dumplings from the crock pot! Love your blog!

  6. Love the Despicable Me costume!

    I just opened a shop on Etsy and Facebook. I would love it if you checked out my things or "liked" me! or

  7. Yummy crock pot meals are the best!
    That is such a motivational scripture.
    I want to read those books too! You will have to let me know how you like them.

    Thank you so much for linking up last week! I am so happy we get to share our thanks with each other :)
