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Friday 25 May 2012

[Letters on the Power of Words: Part I] Being an Encouragement.

Dear Younger Version of Myself,

I feel the need to share with you things I wish you knew already....things that I had hoped wouldn't take you so long to learn. 
Things that even at an older age, you feel you havn't grasped well-enough & can't learn fast enough.
I decided to organise my thoughts into a little mini-series of letters as there was too much content for one letter....

'Did you know that, on average, each of us speaks about twenty-five thousand words daily?' 
~ C.J. Mahaney, Humility

That is quite an interesting, thought-provoking quote. The Lord has been drawing my attention lately to how important my words are. He has really been working in my heart showing me how my words are capable of doing so much good when I encourage. But equally so harmful when I use them carelessly.

As you can probably tell from the quote, I have been reading through the book Humility by C.J.Mahaney again. I read it once before quite a while ago, however I picked it up again recently and since have read it another three times. There is just so much to take in, anyone else do that with good books?
One of his chapters is all about the power of words, conversation skills....whether our speech is really in line with God's intended purpose for it or reflecting pride within ourselves.

I have found this super challenging! I've been really thinking about how my words affect those around me.

You know that old English Nursery Rhyme you've known since you were little, L:

'Sticks and stones
May break my bones
But words will never hurt me.

 Whoever wrote that phrase....totally got it wrong.
Because words totally hurt. They damage.
Some of the worst hurts in life so far have been the unkind words of another person.

'The tongue has the power of life and death,
    and those who love it will eat its fruit.' 
{Proverbs 18:21}

'Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear..'
{Ephesians 4:29}  

Isn't that challenging!!! 'Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth' specific time and place mentioned. 
It doesn't say except when people frustrate you....
or except when the person you are talking about is not around
The Lord has been nudging me to really be careful with my words even in these situations.
Even when I am frustrated.
If I am talking with a friend about someone else (when an offense has happened),
 I have begun to ask myself how I would feel if that person could hear what I am saying.
Tearing someone down, even when they aren't there is far from edifying (encouraging)...
it shows my heart toward them is far from loving and could even taint my friend's opinion of the person. 


The Lord has just graciously been showing me that negative speech, which is so easy for all of us, is not in line with Ephesians 4:29
It is not edifying to the friend listening either to tear another person down.

This does not mean that the only words to ever come out of your mouth will be always polite or flattery. But also truth
I am learning you can talk truth without tearing someone down.
It requires a lot of heart checks and grace dispensing
(See later letter for further thoughts on this topic.)

As I drove to meet a dear friend last week for a lunch date
 (you havn't yet met this precious girl, L). 
I started to pray that the Lord would use me in our conversation
That He would show me what He longed for me to say or how to respond while talking. 
There was no previous conflict or anything.
 I just prayed that He would use that conversation to edify her and encourage her in her walk with Him. 
I have been learning to seek wisdom from the Lord in conversations on what the other person needs to hear.

 Do they need to be encouraged? 
Do they need me to just listen? (a skill I am desperately trying to be better at)  
Do they need to be helped practically? 
How would I best be able to do that? 
Do they need to be reminded of forgiveness?

I am still a novice at this. But I am so thankful the Lord has been teaching me how to be encouraging.
I have no idea if I was an encouragement in that situation with my precious friend over lunch. 
But I hope I allowed the Lord to work in some way.

Being an encouragement is something so close to my heart.
I long to encourage you with my words here also. 
My prayer for you is that these words would do just that.

Much Love,

P.S. Letter to come on venting next....


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  1. Love this! Our words are so powerful. I especially love how you're allowing God to use your words for encouragement and edification :)

    1. Thanks girl! You are super sweet =) And so encouraging!! =)

  2. I myself have been working on this. Great Post! I am not only the victim of harsh words but I have been guilty of this as well. God is teaching me Love and Patience this is the way that I will fulfill his plan and be content.

    1. Yay!! Glad to see I'm not alone =) =)
      I am totally guilty of the same thing girl! Its SO hard!! Praise Him for His grace even in those situations =)
      Much Love,

  3. I liked this. Words are indeed powerful things. Thank you for this though provoking post!

    1. Thanks for your encouragement girl! Was challenging to write, wasn't sure what the response would be either =)
      Much Love,

  4. Our words have the power to build up or tear down, so very true. Something that all could work on. Thank you for opening your heart and speaking about a difficult topic. Stoppin' by from the link up :)

    1. Oh girl this is such a difficult topic to write about. Especially since I'm still learning all of this SO much right now =S Thanks for your encouragement girl!
      Much Love!

  5. Yes, we have an Eph. 4:29 rule at our house...evaluating all things that come from our mouths by the standard of what the Lord deems edifying. Thanks for sharing!

    1. What a helpful rule to have in your home Ruth! Thats awesome!! I may have to adopt your rule should the Lord bless us with children someday =)
      Thanks for your encouragement! Much Love!

  6. new this!! I totally need to do one for myself!

    1. You should girl! It was super challenging to hear (although I was listening to myself I guess) but kind of feels helpful at the same time =) Much Love!

  7. New follower from Blog hop, hope you follow back.
    Have a nice day.

  8. Wow... thanks so much for the insightful post... I also just reserved a copy of Humility (and another of his books, Worldliness... guess I have a lot of reading to do in the near future!) :) But this post really spoke to me... I've been battling anxiety a lot lately, and when it takes hold I do not control the words that come out of my mouth... and my husband and daughter suffer for it... but God's word doesn't command us to control our tongue when life is happy and stress-free... but at all times... hello, conviction! I have some prayer and thinking to do... thanks for the reminder!!!

    1. aww girl! Praise the Lord that he has been revealing this to you, its so painful when He shows us our sin. But He walks with us through it =) =) Anxiety can be so tough though. I hear ya! Praying for ya girl!
      Much Love! L
