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Friday 4 May 2012

Dating Once Married.

'The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. 
I will make a helper suitable for him'...
Genesis 2:18

One of the fun things A&I have done since being married, is continue to date.
We didn't go on many while we were dating as we both lived in different countries.
So most of our trips to see each other were when both of us were 'home' from college and therefore we hung out with both our families a lot.
That was a fun season as we both got to know each other's families really well during that time.

We went on our first 'official' date the Summer of 2008 when I came to the States during my summer vacation to visit A.
We went to Chilis.

I'm sure we were quite overdressed but that's kinda how we roll.
If we do a 'date night' usually we like to dress up.
It's great how that can make an evening seem really special.

Not all date nights are to restaurants
We recently went to a basketball game....totally a well-spent $27 as we ended up in 7th row VIP seats. 
That's a fun story.

Other dates we have done are just walks around some pretty estates there are near our home.
But I love how dating while married continues to encourage intimacy.
Its our time away from the house, to spend time together.
My love language is totally quality time, so I adore these evenings.
They make me feel so connected to A.
Its a wonderful time to share your heart with each other, although lately we've been working on leaving topics like moving home, financial situation, difficulty with intimacy, job searching which are stressful for another time.

If you guys have any creative date ideas, I would love to hear them.
Also, what's your Love language.....I would love to hear that, you can take a short quiz here. So helpful for figuring out how other people feel loved.

Much Love,

P.S. You've probably heard this before but.....Marry your best friend - you'll never be bored!

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  1. That's so sweet! I also think courtship and dating doesn't end when you're already married. uhm, i'mstill not married but that's what i think :P

    have great day!

  2. My husband and I had a very short courtship, so we like to continue going on dates now that we're married. As I wrote in one of my blog entries, we believe that date night is something to be intentional about, cherished, and thoroughly enjoyed - all to the glory of God. Just like our marriage. :) Here's a link to one of my posts, so you can see how we figure out our date nights:

    We've done lots of random things - dinners out, game nights in, even an overnight trip to celebrate our anniversary and get some alone time before our baby arrives. For more ideas, I'd suggest checking out the blog for her series on "A Year of Dates." She does great linky parties where other women submit great date ideas they did with their husbands - so much creativity out there! :)

  3. hey girl. dating while you are married is awesome. it doesnt happen alot these days with my 3 kiddos..but when we go, we try to do something a little different than just dinner and a movie up the street. if we see a movie, we go to a different part of town, to a vintage theater..or dinner at a place we have never tried... then to a late night concert at a local venue... i love stuff like that =)

  4. Such a sweet post! My boyfriend and I have totally started overdressing for little dates too. It's just so much more fun that way!

  5. Some of my favorite dates with my hubby have been to free festivals and outdoor concerts in the different places we've lived.

  6. What a sweet post. After almost 14 years of marriage, and five kids later, we are learning to date each other, more than ever. We are not co-workers, we are soulmates...that must be nurtured! :)

  7. My love language is quality time, too, and I love to steal away. We have little kids so we don't get out as much as we used to and when money is tight, it can be hard. But, we've learned to schedule at home date nights -- where we pledge that time for each other, even among the distractions.

  8. It's so important to keep up that quality time once you are married. I hope that I can be that dedicated when I get married one day. :)

  9. Walks around the neighborhood or bike rides on our new beach cruisers have become some of our favorite dates around home. But getting dressed up is always fun too! ;)

  10. "marry your best friend you'll never be bored." ha.ha so true.

  11. I am a huge believer in dating after marriage. Something I look forward to every week!

  12. love this!! my hubby is my bff...that was a lot of texting words all at once. ha! love this post! it's so important when you get married to remember that you're just that, married, not dead! life doesn't have to change with you two, it's like a big sleep over :)

  13. You asked for ideas... as of yet I am yet to write any whizz bang ideas on my blog at HOWEVER this blog has a whole heap of awesome ideas which I plan on trying out ...

    I agree that it is awesome to date once you are married however it is easy to get 'lazy' with your dates, so this seems like a good way to keep things 'fresh' :-)

  14. I couldn't agree more! My hubbs & I will put together a board game & carpet picnic of our favorite num-nums on nights we can't get out because of the kiddos (or budget).

  15. New follower from the Twitter hop. So glad I found you! I'm always looking for fellow Christian bloggers! My hubby and I always enjoy going for walks together. We have our best talks while walking :) Check out my blog at!
