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Friday 11 May 2012

{Spring Fling Swap Link-Up}

The linkup I've certainly been waiting for.
If you've been reading around my blog for the past couple months you've heard all about the

Spring Fling Swap

After sending all those amazing packages out to our partners...
The Spring Fling Girls are invited back to share the encouragement & sweet things they received/sent.
I seriously can't wait to hear what y'all sent & things. 
(Totally just got that southern charm in there)

So without further adieu......I will share with you the super encouraging package I received from my kindred spirit, Partner-In-Crime & Cohost, Erin. 

Seriously the best moment in my day.

Receiving these makes you feel like its your birthday.
Oh was the day before mine ;)
So it makes my birthday feel longer anyway.... =)

1. Old Navy Flip-Flops....LOVE them!
2. Love Letters Nail Polish....typing this with sparkly nails.
3. Spring Fling Mix CD.....such a CREATIVE idea!
4. Encouraging card!
5. Joe-Joe's....anyone say YUM!
6. Surprise Birthday present......writing this early so NO IDEA what it is...I am being good and waiting.
7. Hairband.....LOVE it!!! 

So enough from me......
I totally wanna hear from you guys!
Link-Up below & thanks for participating Sisters, I've totally had a blast!!!

Much Love,


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  1. Yay!! Just linked up :) I love the headband! Thank you so much for hosting, L!

  2. Awww what a sweet package! What's on the CD?? And that picture with the Joe-Joe's made me giggle!

    So glad to know both of you awesome ladies! Thank you for coming up with this fabulous idea and hosting the swap!!

  3. YAYYY! it's here!!!!!!!!!!! I've been trying to add to the linky list all morning but my computer decided it wanted to update and so it's been a little frustrating haha but here I am!

    Love all these pictures, makes me miss you even more. Can't wait to see what all our girls got! :)

  4. lol. i just realized this blog hop was the spring spring flingers. i wasnt trying to sneak a plug for my blog in!

  5. I love the flip flops and the headband! What did the surprise birthday gift end up being?

  6. I have to link up next week! Hope you are well friend. xoxo
