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Monday 7 May 2012

Updates from the Contagious.

Hello Lovely Bloggers,
So today I was hoping to bring you another {On My Heart} Post. I have several things which the Lord has been placing on my heart this past week to write about, so I have been super excited to start sharing them.
However on friday I came down with a bad case of strep throat. This lead to a visit to urgent care on sunday after white spots & practically the inability to swallow without keeling over in pain started happening. 
So I have been camping out in our bedroom, this is now day 3. And today I am feeling a bit better,
PTL!!! =)
But I still don't feel totally up to writing a post.
So I am hoping that with another day off tomorrow, the writing with be flowing nice and strong by then.
I was hoping to link up my limited beauty product knowledge (I own a really lol) to the Girl Behind the Blog Video Link-up.
Find it HERE.
If you linked up then I probably watched your VLOG, I have just not been commenting as I didn't have the energy =)

But as my voice is still recovering and hurt so bad over the weekend, looks like I will have to miss out on this one ladies.
So till tomorrow hopefully.
Much Love,

P.S. I actually dreamt I was a Gilmore Girl last night......might have watched WAY too much of it the last few days =S

P.P.S. THIS conference is on my list of dreams!!!!!

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  1. Dude that sounds awful! I hope you get better soon! But at least you dreamed about being a Gilmore Girl- that would be a happy dream for sure.

  2. i'm sorry you're sick! i'm glad you're starting to feel a little better and hope you recover quickly! & we ARE going to the influence conference together. {please, God?!} did you see Chelsea's email?
