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Sunday 30 December 2012

What a Crazy Adventure this Past Year Has Been!

Never did I dream that almost a year ago when I felt a nudge to open my private, invitation only blog to public readers that I would have this kind of an adventure.
I had absolutely no idea how many amazing women there were blogging. 
I am SO thankful the Lord led me to blog publically, 
to be bold enough to share my faith online and allow me to make so many lifetime friends!!
I have felt so privileged to meet you guys in the last year, you are just plain amazing! 
I've been challenged in so many good ways by you all, 
you have helped me grow in my faith and love for the Lord 
and really loved on me in ways I have never experienced.

Not that I should have been surprised since one of my nearest and dearest friends and I met in a similar way nine years ago now. Erin & I really should work on explaining that story to you sweet friends this coming year ;) 

So before looking back at this amazing year, I just want to thank all of you for being on this adventure with me! Whatever that has looked like to each of you! I am so thankful for your precious friendship and wish to continue growing together. 

So go grab a cup of coffee as we look back on how the Lord has been at work in this blog over the last year! I am in awe at His faithfulness and goodness.

This was when my new blog was born, so its almost Happy Birthday time!! You can read about the start of All Glorious Within and the reason behind the name here. This was when I really began to share things on my heart, once I felt lead to do so.
The Lord radically altered my understanding of friendship at the beginning of last year, helping me really see how mutually satisfying friendships are such a gift from Him.
He also helped me gain a greater understanding in the importance of seeking my husband's counsel on things. 
I went to Phoenix for the first time and started taking pictures on my DSLR in manual (no looking back at all!).

I went through a phase of feeling overwhelmed by blogging numbers in February and discouraged, the Lord spoke to me a lot about identity in Him.
I also linked up for the first ever Girl Behind the Blog (I have made SO many blogging friends through this linkup, Ashley you have such a beautiful community on your blog girl!)
The theme of learning about friendship was continued and a perfect Valentine shared.

I also shared a little bit behind loving your husband all the days of your life, not just once you're married and shared some heart's desires.

I travelled to Tennesee for the first time for a wedding in March. Loved the warm weather break from the Midwest craziness.
I shared about how I saved my First Kiss for Marriage.
There were moments of desperation and not understanding God's plans.
I also wrote a letter to 17-year old me, I hope she listened ;)
And co-hosted the Spring Fling Swap with Erin!! 

I learned about running to Jesus a lot.

April found me discovering encouragement in surprising places once I started looking for it. Like here and here.
It saw me continuing to wrestle with several struggles going on in life. Learning about being honest about the sin each of us struggles with.
Realising that we can only shine for Jesus if we allow Him to work the painful refining process in our lives. Understanding that each of us has different talents and will be used in different ways.

I also wrote my first ever fashion post. Little did I know what I was getting into ;)

May brought the beginning of a new season for us, I contemplated dating once married.
I also turned twenty-five and found myself perhaps in a different place than I thought I would be several years ago. (And had the sweetest guest post written for my bday)
I learned about seeing joy in difficult situations.
And seriously worked through issues on why I was blogging in the first place here.

I wrote my first ever series on the power of words. Never before had I spent so much time researching and preparing posts. Wrestling with thoughts on how words spoken should be encouraging, uplifting, appropriate and understand the heart behind our words. 
They can be found here, here, here and here. The Lord has been working these issues into my heart continuously since. 
I continued to think about how I wanted others to see Him through me.
How things happen perfectly in His timing, whether I like that or not.
The Lord started to work contentment, regardless of my circumstances, into my heart.
I shared more about purity and waiting, a topic near and dear to my heart, with you guys. And also how I pursue Christ in the relationship status I find myself in.
This was also the month that I began praying the Lord would open the door for me to attend the Influence Conference.
Little did I know what He had in mind ;)

I found myself getting braver about sharing my love story and wrote about waiting on God in that area.
I shared my heart for Africa here and here. A passion I am still waiting to see how He will use it to this day. But also met some beautiful friends with the same passion (Katie, Elise, Wynne, Tara) and have been so encouraged seeing how the Lord has used their willing hearts to teach me how to follow Him with this passion.
I continued the long journey of learning about friendships and had a wonderful family vacation at the Lake.
The Lord also taught me a lot about having a quieter spirit.
We celebrated our two year anniversary and packed up our first official home to move once again.

August found me learning a ton about where I find my worth and realising I had been believing lies about my identity, allowing other people to define me. 
I continued to hear the Lord talk to me about contentment in all kinds of settings and found the most precious bible study community.
I also began to develop a habit of thankfulness.

September was possibly my busiest month of the year. 
I confessed to you all about not being perfect, although it shouldn't have been a surprise ;)
Wrestled with thoughts on purity and media.
But the main reason I was so busy this month was because my sister got married and I was her maid of honor!! =) 
Then toured London (and here) before returning home.
Not to mention all of which took place the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

October was very post intense as I joined 800+ ladies and did a 31 days of Thankfulness series. 
I was thankful for seasons in life and how faithful God is. I shared thoughts on 1000 gifts by Ann Voskamp to explain my heart behind thankfulness as a habit. 
I was also inspired to share thoughts on God's love and quietness in busyness of life.
There was a journal giveaway as I shared more of our love story, or a small detail of it ;)
I stepped outside my comfort zone and started a fashion series called Pearls and Tunes.
The Lord also wrecked my life (in a good way) at the Influence Conference.
(here, herehere, and here)

November found me wrestling contentment and purity, along with battling loneliness.
I was invited to join the Kite Project which I am seriously excited about, and really think you should join too! 
And found myself so encouraged by some beautiful ladies who agreed to share their hearts with you guys in the Gloriously Encouraged series.

December found us crazy busy in real life with Christmas soon arriving, but I also wrestled with thoughts on chasing God given dreams in preparation for the Kite Project.
I also participated in my first ever craft fair and wrestled alongside everyone in the nation over the tragedy in CT.
I battled the busyness of the season and tried to keep my focus in the right place, oh and learned to ski in the process ;)

I really hope you will join me as this adventure continues in the new year and together we will see how the Lord is at work! 

 Much Love,

Covered in Grace

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  1. I. Loved. This. Post.
    Thank you so so so much for
    sharing your life with me, girl! Here on the blog and through the emails and comments on my blog. i am so glad we can be friends even though we live far away from each other. Thank you for being honest, for sharing your life with me. I learn so much from you!
    Much love to you!!

  2. Loved this. I picked a PERFECT day to stumble across your blog because I learned about your entire year in one perfect post! Thanks for sharing. I'm joining your blogging journey. New follower!

    Love, The Skinnys

  3. Thanks for linking up with us! I adore your blog! Happily...following! Can't wait to read more!
    Ramblings of a Southern Belle

  4. PS...I want in on your next Spring Fling Swap! Please remind me and add me to the list! So much fun!

  5. loved reading through your year! I'm so glad we met this year both in the blog world and in the real world at Influence :)

  6. Hi great post. I found you through the blog hop. Please stop by and say hi when you get a chance. Have a great week.

  7. Great post! I love how you went through your year month by month and tied it into your past blog posts.

  8. Fabulous round up L! Feel free to link up at my 2012 year in review party :)

    xo Shane

    Happy new years!

  9. Beautiful rendition of your year, lovely! So glad to have discovered yet another wonderful blogging soul. I'll be visiting again and again. XOXO
