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Wednesday 19 December 2012

Girl Behind The Blog: Christmas Traditions.


It's that time again! Seriously these past few months it feels like time has gone by SO quickly! 
I'm seriously feeling like dude, summer like just ended!! And Christmas is how many days away!!!

So today I am linking up with these lovely ladies, Ashley & Kerrie.
They are both awesome (I feel like they could be my big sisters haha!) and we are all talking about Christmas Traditions.
I totally think you guys should join us! 
Make your first vlog if you've never done one. Its fun! =) 
Be sure to head over and see some of the other videos.
The thumbnails alone are worth looking at them ;)

The Girl Behind The Blog- Holiday Traditions
Time limit: Vlogs should be 2-3 minutes long
Introduce yourself and your blog
Share with us your favorite holiday traditions

Did you link up? Leave me a comment and let me know =)

Much Love,

Pin It!


  1. I love making gingerbread houses! I had a fun chevron one this year, but I totally forgot to take pictures! And my sister and I just watched the new Miracle on 34th Street this week. It's such a classic!

  2. you are adorable L! This made me miss you :( I loved your whole vlog. I smiled, I laughed, I nodded in agreement ;) It was fun. Love you girl and thank you for linking up and for saying such sweet things about us. You're the best!

  3. The beginning of your video cracked me up!
    Way to go on filming in front of your tree...tooootally forgot about that. Oops!
    Love all of your holiday traditions...a gingerbread house party?! That sounds like a blast! I'm going to have to host one next year. :)

  4. Gingerbread house parties would be sooo fun. I love that.
    I love the newer version of that movie too.
    Coming to you from the link up! =)

  5. You are the sweetest ever. Thanks for the nice compliments- you're not so bad yourself ;-) You and the hubbs have some fun traditions- I love the idea of gingerbread house parties!! Merry Christmas!

  6. How fun to do a gingerbread house party - I might need to adopt that tradition! :)

  7. I had to tape mine several times because I kept saying my kid's real names! We've tried to mesh our childhood traditions together also, and its fun to come up with new ones. I really want to do a gingerbread house, but it doesn't work with the little boys. They just eat the candy! Great to see you again this month.

  8. I just love your vlogs. You are so funny! =)
    Loved this! =)

  9. You are so cute and funny - miss you even more now!! I wanna come to a gingerbread house party!! :) love you!!!!

  10. You are so cute!! :) I'm really hoping I can go to The Influence Conference this year, it looked amazing! Sounds like you and A have some awesome traditions, hope you guys have a very merry Christmas!!

  11. I loved your vlog, and glad I "found" you! I hope to get to know you better through future vlog linkups as well!

    I linked up, too, I'm over at Merry Christmas! xoxo

  12. I loved your vlog and am so happy I discovered your blog via the link-up! :)

    Amanda @ Faith*Love*Strength

  13. I loved your blog! You always seem so real in your blogs (I hope I come across that way). =) Have a very Merry Christmast! <3 <3

  14. What advent have you been reading? I have never done advent (or Lent!) before, but I think 2013 will be the year for starting it for me! Miracle on 34th St is one of my favourites too!
    xo Rachael
    (P.S. I managed to link up today, if you wanna stop by?

  15. Found you through the link-up! Cute video!

    ...but I do have a question. I know a few bloggers who don't use real names; why is that? Just wondering :-)

    *hugs & love*
    Ashley Danielle
    ||Always Ashley Blog||

  16. you match your tree! gingerbread house parties sound like so much fun- I'd love to see photos! I'm a little nervous about one day getting married and merging traditions because I'm so attached to mine haha but I will know where to go for advice :) love you girl!!
