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Thursday 20 December 2012

All is not calm, All is Bright.

As I bend down to pick up yet another scrap of wrapping paper left on the floor from a flurry of wrapping presents which just took place, I notice the needles underneath the Christmas tree that need sweeping once again. Then I think how the tree probably needs more water, and while I'm thinking about that I remember the presents which I should have wrapped first because I'm going to be seeing that particular family tomorrow.
Then while thinking about the presents that need wrapping my mind wanders to the list of gifts I still have yet to get, and remember that Christmas is only five days away. I ponder how before I know it we will be in the car on the way to a party and I won't have had time to wrap our white elephant gifts.

Evenings become filled with wrapping presents and food prep for parties, along with everyday meal prep that needs to take place. All the regular household chores still need doing and now there's Christmas decorations to be put up still or dust around.

At the beginning of December, we had wonderful plans of taking time out every evening to read an Advent plan together enjoying this season. Instead we almost collapse into bed ever night after another meeting or party and I barely have time to silently pray before I drift to sleep.

Sound familiar to anyone else? When did Christmas get so busy?
When did it become more important to make sure that Christmas cards get to people on time and no one gets offended because you forgot to give them a gift?
Why is it so hard to find time to do the most important thing? Quiet our hearts in preparation for the gift which was given to us thousands of years ago in the form of a baby wrapped in rags.

That first Christmas wasn't extravagant, it took place in a stable of all places. And after having just given birth, I'm pretty sure Mary wasn't concerned with hanging up their stockings, making sure her tree looked perfect or that a garland was hanging straight. Her heart was focused entirely on the gift she have just been given and her God-given role of caring for God's son.

I love the Christmas season, don't get me wrong. It does seem like such a magical beautiful time of year. It's cozy, beautiful and has the potential to be healing to the soul as we embrace the gift God gave to us two thousand years ago. But often I just feel tired and worn out from the necessary 'responsibilities' by the time Christmas day rolls around. A far cry from the point of the season.

Perhaps its time to refocus and realise what is truly important about Christmas. To invest more time in relationships than the materialism of the season.
Perhaps also to remember that if we do forget something or accidently offended someone in forgetting to do something, we have been given a gift.

We haven't failed if we can't do it all.
No matter how good or worthwhile something may seem.
We've only failed if we fail to see what is most important this season.


Much Love,

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  1. I'm with you! I've actually had similar thoughts to this over the past week. Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. This post was beautifully written, I was thinking the same thing and telling my husband on Christmas eve, when did this season get so busy that we forgot the meaning. I think its harder that Judah was born the first week of Christmas (preparing for birthday) then I have to do all my last min shop crochet orders and before you know it its Christmas. Its just a crazy time for us. But now that we know its so crazy we can be more aware of it next year to take out the time to make sure we know the real reason as to why we are celebrating :-)
    I hope you had a great Christmas!

  3. Love this post, and totally was in the same place this season..thanks so much for sharing this encouragement!

  4. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!! Couldn't have put it any better! we tried so hard to keep our Christmas simple and all about HIM! ;-) It shouldn't be that hard! :-) Found you through Casey!

  5. Beautifully said!

    I stepped back this year and just took it all in, the real meaning, with my kiddies and it was the best Christmas yet!

    Thank you for the well written reminder.

    May you be blessed so much in this new year. You are such a sweet heart.
