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Tuesday 1 January 2013

Its here! Year of Promise!

I have so enjoyed reading everyone's posts about their year in review.
What an awesome way to catch up on blogs. 
Since I have done a bad job of reading blogs lately, this has worked well for me! oops!
After reading sweet Casey and dear Heather talk about their words for the year, 
I was pondering whether I wanted to have a word for 2013. 
Then yesterday, I decided on 'promise' for this year ahead as I feel there will be several big changes coming up for us. Definitely moving again (look out for that one soon),
 maybe job changes and other things.
So I feel that 'promise' will be a good reminder to hold onto God in all the change that is likely to be coming our way in the year ahead. 

I'm a huge fan of New Years. It seems so full of fresh starts and new beginnings.
Something which I love as I'm at times a little OCD  about things feeling fresh and clean.
But in all seriousness I really love the staying up till midnight with everyone (night owl much?), just enjoying each others company and then feeling excited about all that's ahead. 
As much as I love Christmas, in some ways I feel partial to New Years. 
Maybe its because it usually comes after a quiet week and I have time to quiet my heart and fully appreciate it. 

I also love how we never really know what celebrating New Years is going to look like. But I thought I would share a few fun times with you guys from several previous years. I laugh at how in several of these I still recall sounding like this guy from Toy Story. 
(And this year is no exception!)

(right) Last year, we actually didn't celebrate as we were up at 4am on the 1st to fly out to Phoenix to visit A's family.
 (left top) The Year we were engaged, we celebrated in London with some of my college friends.
(left middle) Growing Up, New Years meant hanging on this beach and watching the fireworks. How I miss those celebrations. So fun! One year we even had a lock in at the church with our youth group.
(left bottom) Then there was this random year when my sis, cousin and I were so bored in this small town that we decided to watch New Years around the world on the news and take tons of crazy pictures like this! 

That last one still makes me laugh! 
Anyway, how do you guys like to celebrate New Years?

Much Love,

Oh and enjoy this sweet year in pop songs by Anthem Lights! 

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  1. Beautiful word! I read a few other posts before I decided to choose a word for 2013 too. =) Happy New Year! I hope and pray it is a wonderful year for you and your family!
    Alesha <3

  2. hey lady. promise sounds like a perfect word right now. in case my vote counts, i vote you move to texas :) just saying. Noah just passed out & his door is open to his room otherwise I'd watch the video clip from toy story. I'll have to watch it with him in the morning, we love toy story!

    P.S. I love the pictures from past new years. fun idea.
