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Monday 7 January 2013

Welcome Chasers! Discussion on Why We Dream. {A Link Up}

I find myself here. 
It is day five of the kite project and it finds me sitting, pondering, praying, fearing and full of excitement  
It has already gone very differently than I thought it would, and that's ok. 
My plans for completing baby steps to seeing a dream come true have yet to even begin. 

But before I get ahead of myself I want to welcome you guys to the Kite Project! 
(If you don't know what it is then see here first)
A few short months ago the Lord crossed my path with this beautiful woman named Rae, with a beautiful heart for the Lord, dreams and community. 
Since then He has had me on a rollercoaster of growth and emotions as I have wrestled with questions about my dreams, identity and plans He has for my life. 
So coincidence that we met? I think not! 

I really hope that each of you has felt welcomed and a part of this community as we chase alongside one another!

I want to begin a discussion by pondering Why we actually dream.....
Why do we feel that profound sensation about something? A pull towards an idea or dream?
I have no idea what your dream is, maybe the Lord is calling you to be a light for Him in a foreign land, be a songwriter, share your life through writing a book, learn a new skill or own a business.
But whatever you feel that God has deposited in your heart, it has been put there by Him.
He has a purpose for it, because He has a specific perfect plan for you!

'For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'
{Jeremiah 29:11} 

I have really wrestled with the issue of understanding how chasing my dreams is really a God thing.
I have searched through scripture because the last thing I want to do is chase something that I want if its not what He wants for me. 
Because I really do have dreams.
Some big ones.
Ones that make me shake because they scare me so much. 
And I've struggled with seeing how these fit with being the best wife I can be, 
supportive of my husband's own dreams,
and the best light for Christ. 
Then because he is amazing, God has revealed Himself to me as I have sought Him with these issues.

Throughout the Bible the Lord reveals himself to his children through dreams and visions.
He revealed the plans He has for Joseph's future in a dream, which lead down a difficult but God-honoring road. (see Genesis 37-50)
I really believe that God reveals himself to us not only in dreams while we sleep, but also visions and dreams we have while awake.
He is not limited to just our sleep state. 

When we fall in love with Jesus and seek Him, we want what He wants.
Our hearts begin to line up with His.
Hearts to see people know Jesus, to see much made of Him.
Then those dreams of adopting a child, shining for Him where we are, using our skills to bring much to His name.
They are all an extension of God bringing glory to Himself, through us!  
And those dreams........
.......those unique scary dreams.
Should be chased! 
Because then we see God furthering His kingdom when we are willing to be used.

And you can guarantee He will do a lot in our own hearts through the mess which happens as we chase our dreams. 
Changing us to be more like Him.
And friends, that mess is beautiful! 

'God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.'

{Ephesians 3:20}

So join us and linkup your thoughts below! 
Lets discuss why we dream.

Much Love! 

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  1. Loving this! Gonna link up later!!!

  2. Me too! I'll be joining later on! (:

  3. love this. you are encouraging me.

  4. I'll link up tomorrow, but I'm quakin' in my boots right alongside you!

  5. Favourite line: "They are all an extension of God bringing glory to Himself, through us!" YES!
    "We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ." 2 Thessalonians 1:12 - it is IN HIM that we have the freedom to dream, and live out this dreams. His GRACE is the enabling we require to see it all happen, and we DO IT for Christ's glory. :)
    ah, this makes me happy. Spending time with God and His people is pure joy!

  6. New Follower!! Found you through Caseys linkup! Love your blog.. and when you have time hop over to my blog and if you like what you see.. follow back! Happy New Year!!

  7. Incredible! Love this! ;-) Found you via Casey Wiegand!
