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Friday 4 January 2013

Gloriously Ruined: A Heart for Adoption.

Ladies, I can't wait for you to meet a friend of mine. I came across her blog a few months ago and have been so encouraged and challenged by her story. I have not yet shared much of my heart for adoption and Africa. Although I touched on Africa a little here and here
But this awesome woman of God puts her heart for adoption into words beautifully and I don't think I could have shared it better myself! I am so thankful she agreed to share with you guys.
Much Love!


Hey yall, my name is Wynne and I blog over at Gloriously Ruined.  
My husband & I just brought home our Ethiopian babes, Camp + Asher.  It was quite the adventure but now we are settling in as a family of 4 and loving every moment.  Our adoption process wasn't easy and it certainly wasn't our plan.  It was never ever on our radar until the summer of 2010 a young friend encouraged me to pray about adoption and God used her challenging question to wreck our plans and gloriously ruin our lives.  And we haven't looked back since!  

I'm excited to be here to share & encourage you gals today! 

Something that God has put heavy on my heart the past two weeks is women who are waiting.  In my season of life that means waiting for a baby (through adoption or natural birth) but it can really mean any season of waiting.  I just went through 3 really hard years of waiting and longing to be a mother.  There were months that were really dark.  Days that I weeped and cried out to the Lord, days I was mad and angry at Him, many days I didn't understand His timing.  Now, my arms are full and I can SEE what His perfect timing was.  I can see what part of His plan was.  You see, if we had gotten pregnant when I wanted to - I would never have gone & fallen in love with Africa, been involved with Noonday Collection, adopted and generally had my life gloriously ruined   My life looks nothing like it did 3 years ago.  My life has been ruined and wrecked for Him.  He has broken and changed my heart.  I never was one of those people that "had a heart for the nations" or always knew they "wanted to adopt".  I just wanted to live a normal american dream life - married, house, car, job and 3 kids.  Not that there is anything wrong with that, but my eyes have been opened to the orphan crisis, the water crisis, and the people I've met and fallen in love with along our adoption journey have changed the way I live my life and see the world.  

In the season of waiting I NEVER could have seen this.  God has now redeemed that part of my story & is using it for His glory.  Ever since I started openly sharing about our road to a family, it's opened up so many conversations with friends (real & bloggy) that are going through the same thing.  and I guess that's what I want to encourage you in - BE REAL.  in gods timing, for sure, but if you can - be real and be honest.  If you've been through something really difficult, find a way to help encourage someone that is still in the thick of it.  Pray and ask God to bring you those people.  Just last night at a small bible study Christmas ornament exchange  I got to have this conversation with 3 friends!  It's ok to talk about our struggle, it's ok to struggle.  It's ok to not be able to see Gods perfect timing in the middle of a hard season of wait.  When we are real with each other, we can relate to each other more and we can support and encourage each other on the journey.

So, be real.  be encouraging.  reach out.  let God use the difficult seasons of your life to reach others for your good & His glory.  if we don't have each other to walk with, then who do we have?

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