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Monday 27 August 2012

She Shares Truth.

I can't even begin to explain how much wisdom I have been absorbing from the book 'Pure' by Rebecca St James.
And this amazing bible study group....
She reads Truth.
They have been blowing my mind as I have worked through purity with RSJ in the mornings and
read proverbs with a community of ladies in the evenings.


(If you aren't already a part of the She Reads Truth community, you totally should join all the amazing ladies reading through the plans together)

I have been blown away these past few days by meditating on this verse from
Proverbs 14. About how wise women will build their home, and thinking about how building can be referring to trust, love, peace, building an environment in which love can grow and people can feel secure and encouraged.

Then it got me  thinking about how we are totally capable of tearing it down 
with our own hands.
And I'm fairly certain this wasn't talking about literally heading out and taking 
tools to the drywall. But rather, how by criticism or through bad attitudes, we can totally tear apart anything we try to create.

For instance, while watching 3 little children that I care for, I can put on worship music and create an atmosphere through activities we are doing and the tone of my voice which helps them feel comfortable, loved and able to be themselves.
It creates a loving, fun environment for all of us.
Should one of them then start behaving in a way which drives me crazy,
I can very quickly start wanting to change my tone to show my frustration or turn off the worship song because I am frustrated by the noise level which has just dramatically increased.

I feel God has been showing me that I need to be careful, particularly with my words and tone not to tear anyone down and change the atmosphere in my home to one were people feel unloved, not valued or uncomfortable because of my mood. 

I realise this verse is from a previous chapter than where we as a group are currently at, but my reflections have been a lot slower than my reading.
Sometimes reading the chapter in multiple versions at night helps. But often
my mind is drawn back to a verse a few days later.

What are you guys learning?
Any of you reading Proverbs with She Reads Truth?

Much Love,

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  1. You are so right! I have not heard of that book, going to have to look it up. I'm learning to get my joy from the Lord and not circumstances.

  2. Hey L! I'm a new reader, so it is crazy that you mention the She Reads Truth series because I just started it today! The book you're reading looks interesting, I think I am definitely going to look into. Always looking for new reading material :)

  3. you are amazing, friend :) such a BEAUTIFUL heart for Jesus and i love you!!!!

    i'm loving She Reads Truth, as well. it's been such a wonderful way of staying focused on reading and the community is just so encouraging.

    love you!

  4. Hey girl! I am SO sorry you haven't gotten your necklace that you won from me. I sent it and then got it back. I'm unsure if I wrote your address wrong. Could you email it to me again? My email is Again I am SO sorry! I feel awful! I would have emailed you sooner but I just had my baby girl on Monday... if you can get me your address I will get it to you asap... I'm still healing from my c-section, but I will get it out as soon as I can! So sorry! I would have emailed you but I can't seem to find your email! Thanks so much!

  5. Glad I stopped by today to hear your honest insights. It is so true that we can change the atmosphere in our homes in an instant of impatience or frustration. God has impressed on me lately to find the gentle spirit he placed within me and behave in a way that makes it evident to all. You have inspired me. Thank you.

  6. My tone and my words are my biggest weakness - it is always a struggle to walk by the Spirit in having the right response, especially at the end of the day! This is a great reminder of building others up, which I am praying God enables me to do more!

  7. Hey girl! This is my first time visiting and I'm so blessed by your post. As a mom of three, I can tell you that it is definitely possibly to tear your own house down by negative/harsh words and bad attitude. Taking on the attitude of Christ is a daily surrender for me.
    encouraged to hear how you're being challenged & changed by His word! thanks so much for sharing your post with the (heart)&(home) community at - blessed to have you! (hugs), lauren

  8. L, this was wonderful. "I feel God has been showing me that I need to be careful, particularly with my words and tone not to tear anyone down and change the atmosphere in my home to one were people feel unloved, not valued or uncomfortable because of my mood." Oh my, this is it for me for sure (has been my struggle and my intentional pursuit). I also am apart of She Reads Truth and LOVE IT! I'm not currently going through the Proverbs study though.I backed up to do one I had missed that I felt lead to right now: "Soul Detox." Did you do that one too? :)

    Thanks again for linking up with the MOMS AGAINST MANIC MONDAYS blog hop! Your additions are always a joy to read and wonderful additions to our community. Speaking of which, this post was one of the "Reader's Choices" for last week and will be featured tomorrow! :)

    With love,

  9. Thank you for linking up with me on Thankful Thursday <3
    I'm so happy you've posted was a wonderful read and something I needed to hear. Thank you!! What a blessing you are!
