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Wednesday 15 August 2012

How to have an epic blog-friend adventure.

I Love the friendships I have made through blogging.
Seriously, I can't even begin to explain how much they are an answer to prayer.
Before I started blogging, I was desiring friendships with sweet girls who love Jesus with their whole-being. Girls who were a similar age, the kind of friends a lot of people seem to make in college.
Well I went to a secular college the other side of the world and struggled for a while there to find sweet friends (I did eventually btw).

So when I moved to the states, I was unsure where to meet girls my own age who loved the Lord.
I met a few through my hubby's friends, but not anyone I really immediately bonded with.
Then I started blogging and met multiple girls who were the same age who just loved Jesus, who wanted to use their blogs to share their journey with Him.
I have been so blessed by this adventure.

It was even more exciting to find out I lived 20 mins from one of these girls too.
So for the last few months, she and I have been meeting up on a regular basis and spending time together....which has just been such a huge blessing in my life. 
So since I have shared the background and how I am thankful for these sweet friendships.....
I thought it might be hilarious to share with you the adventure that

Annie from what she saw

and I 

had today.

Probably not the first thing you think of when you picture meeting up with a blog friend.
And that is definitely true, because we usually go to places more like the first picture.
However let me explain how we ended up in such a place.

So my plan for the day was to meet up with Annie for lunch at a Mexican place (can I just add a yum in there) and there was a pile of junk I needed to get rid of for a friend who had asked me to pile it into the back of his truck and take it out to the landfill. Now I thought I would be really cunning and load it up and meet her for lunch, then since I was only a few miles from the landfill.....I would continue on from there.
So first of all....I decided I only needed like 2 mins to load it from the garage into the truck.
Umm really not sure where my brain was on that.
Plus I had put on cute clothes to meet a friend, so yeah my nice jeans and a nice top with cute accessories.

So I start loading things out of the garage and into the truck and discover like an entire extended family of crickets in the pile of junk.
I'm not really a bug kind of girl.
So once I had recovered a little, I strategically maneuvered the container with the crickets into the back of the truck without getting super close.
Then added a few more items like a toilet?
I'm sure by now any neighbors were wetting themselves while watching me attempt this task.

Then climbed into the truck and headed out to lunch.
We enjoyed a nice lunch together laughing at my gross cricket encounter.
Then I mention I am heading to the landfill and does she want to join me for the adventure.
She said yes.

So Annie and I pile back into this awesome ghetto truck and head down to a dirt track
(which really needs resurfacing like there are potholes the size of kids)...
and find the landfill! 
Yes neither of us knew it was there.
Then we join the back of a long line of smelly trucks.

At this point we are laughing super hard at the attempts of trying to make the scenery look something like this:

And Annie pulls out her camera laughing at how awesome this will make for a blog post.
So we continue to drive the truck into the landfill,
yes even across a weighing scale. LOL.
And dump it into the civilian area, so we didn't get to drive up the epic roadway
that really did look like that picture.

Then we proceeded to throw all the trash into the landfill.
The car smelled a ton better on the ride back just FYI.

I supposed the rest of the afternoon was more normal.
We made ourselves at home in the christian inspiration aisle at Barnes and Nobles hanging out on the floor talking for 2 hrs then buying nothing.
Then heading to Trader Joes and laughing so hard at random things.

All in all an epic adventure.
Blogging friends truly are the ones that will help you carry out your trash 
and won't judge you if it includes a toilet. 

I am so thankful for the awesome adventures and encouragement these friendships entail.
Stay tuned to see how our epicness continues as we adventure to Indy in October for the Influence Conference.
(yes, we are road tripping and detouring to pick up friends from an airport on the way)

Much Love,

P.S. I bet you didn't know Pinterest had pictures of landfills either? 

Pin It!


  1. An epic adventure usually makes for a better friendship :) I want a bloggy friend adventure!

    Thanks for linking up..hope you had a beautiful day! <3

  2. I love me some Annie :) We're hanging out right now. I hear you've been coming to HPBC on Sunday mornings. I'd love to meet you Sunday if you're there!

  3. I'm your newest follower, came over from Cami's blog. :)

    What a great story! I recently moved, so I can totally relate with what you are saying about meeting people who share your faith. Blogging has really helped with that. I just haven't been so lucky to meet any of my blog friends yet...but who knows?! ;)

  4. elle. ELLE. those were NOT CRICKETS. they were COCKROACHES. i SAW one. AND IT WAS NASTY.

    love you!

    ps. no landfills on the way to or from influence. please, thank you, and in Jesus' name, AMEN!

  5. Great blog! i am so glad to came across your blog. it is really nice and make me amazing. we can follow each other?
