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Friday 17 August 2012

Making the most of the season.

Can you believe that Summer is nearly over? 
There are just a little over 2 weeks and it will be September. 
I mean, I am totally excited about everything the Fall will bring......
My little sis is getting married so we are headed to England for 10 days in September for 
amazing adventures, seeing old friends and witnessing a commitment to each other before the Lord.
The Influence conference is fast approaching as the days bring Fall closer.
And I am super stoked by that!

Not to mention the finding of a new home for the hubby and I as we transition out of our temporarily
location into a more permanent home closer to where he works.

So as the summer is beginning to fade, I am trying to make the most of every moment.
Enjoying every season.
I might try and make that my plan for this year.
And it helps to start with the season that is my favorite.

So in trying to make the most of this season.....
I went blueberry picking again this week.
With some other friends who I thought would enjoy picking the fresh fruit off the leaves of the bushes.
And picked another 31 lbs of blueberries. 
(I only came home with 7lbs this time myself)
(That's a combined total of 56lbs of blueberries in 2 weeks for those who love numbers)

Summer things I am thankful for:

Blueberries growing on bushes for us to go and pick.
Summer sandals and flip flops.
Sunscreen and bug spray.
Hubby's family visiting from overseas for the summer.
Encouraging friendships.
Meeting up with blogging friends.
Being able to spend a lot of time outdoors.
Flip flop tan lines.
The sound of crickets sending me to sleep at night.
Painted toes poking through sandals.
Amazing natural light for photography.
She reads Truth reading plans.
Pure by Rebecca st James.
Hot weather bringing the ability to wear sundresses and tank tops.

{Head over to Erin's blog for contagious thankfulness}

Tank: OldNavy
Pants: New Look (England)
Shoes: Payless
Necklace: TheHollieRogue

How are you enjoying the rest of summer?

Much Love,

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  1. With flip flops, painted nails, and tank tops, just as you said! Though by me we seem to be getting an early fall... Not what I would've chosen, but my boyfriend helped me realize I need to appreciate each season. So I will. :)

  2. September is coming up quickly! Where did summer go??
    My summer involved flip flops, painted nails and tank tops (of course!), the pool, sun-in in my hair to lighten it up, highlights, hanging out with friends, frozen coffee (yum!) and spending time learning to love Jesus even more! :)

  3. oh i love this so much :)
    your outfit, your nails, the sandals, but most of all the wisdom of the words you write - amen sister!!!

    thankful for you.

  4. I hope you have a wonderful time in England :) It was so great to meet you yesterday...I hope we can keep in touch!

  5. What a great list of things to be thankful for - tan lines and bug spray!! i'm going to try to fully live out the rest of this summer, the grasp everything I can of fall. Thanks for these words. (Found you through Mary Beth)

  6. We are trying to soak up the outdoor fun now that the weather has cooled down to a tolerable temperature!

    Thanks for linking up with WIP Wednesday!

  7. Loving all the things about summer here!!
    I have the exact same flip flops in copper and I love them!!

