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Wednesday 29 August 2012

Girl Behind the Blog: How has blogging changed you?


The Prompt:
Time limit: Vlogs should be 2-3 minutes long
Introduce yourself and your blog
What is one of the main ways blogging has changed you?
How has blogging changed the way you reflect on issues that you wouldn't have before?
 At the end of the day, how are you empowered and encouraged by blogging- by your own and by others?
How do you think you could add to your blog being a blessing to yourself and others?

Thanks to Ashley & Sarah, the lovely ladies behind this linkup, for hosting.
I also wanted to add that I have been so encouraged on my walk with the Lord by reading
all the blogs that I have been able to read.
Blogging has just helped me grow so much in my walk with God, in wrestling
with difficult issues and learning to share my walk with Him more openly.
I am so blessed by the wonderful friends I have made here in this community
and I hope you guys will enjoy the video and head over and linkup your own.

Much Love,

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  1. You know that community is my most favorite part of blogging, too. Finding an accountability parnter online? thats such a great idea. Glad you linked up again (As always!)

  2. I can't believe that I've met so many amazing girls that I have become friends with too! Great job girl!

  3. yes, your friendship has been such an affirmation of God's provision in this weird stage in my life! you are definitely an encouragement. I legitimately believe that's one of your spiritual gifts!

  4. AHHH this just makes me miss you all the more!! I love what you shared, and am totally impressed by your mad video editing skills! :)
    I have the same heart to see accountability partners linked up like we were... because girl, yours has been one of the biggest blessings and friendships in my life!

    Love you!

  5. Look at you, Miss Fancypants, with the background music and moving intro text! haha.

    I love that blogging has ushered in new, close, edifying friendships I wouldn't have otherwise. I was telling a friend the other day that I wasn't sure how I felt about moving home because most if not all of my friends had left, but I knew that I had you! I'm so thankful for you and for our friendship. (I'm even thankful for our trip to the landfill, but don't tell people that. ;] )

    I love the idea of a deliberate community of encouragement and prayer. Keep me posted as you keep coming up with ideas about this!

    PS. I can't drive ANYWHERE anymore without thinking about how you and Erin and Chelsea are going to be in the car with me in FORTY-TWO DAYS!

  6. so so awesome how the Lord provides these sweet friendships and just knits hearts together, isnt it? I love that you have found that too. What a blessing we have all been given!! So glad to get to know you girl!! :) thanks for linking up with us!!

  7. I love the community too. You including other women have been such encouragements to me! So happy to meet you in like 40ish days!!

    happy friday!

  8. i love that song. one of my faves!!and i am always so blessed by your heart to encourage =)we are two peas in a pod, except maybe i am a bigger dork ;)

  9. Yay! You are so sweet :) Thanks for sharing your vlog!
    I really love what you said about community. Like Ashley, I love the accountability partnership idea... let me know if you want a hand setting that up - I'd love to be a part of it! xo Rachael
